Wednesday 30 November 2011

Memorable Moments: New Girl: Bells

Quicky Opinion: Bells proved to be the shows strongest episode yet, in large part due to the fact that the episode was mainly about the male roommates, rather than Jess. Winston finally got a chance to shine, as we see him become ultra-competitive with handbells, and Nick and Schmidt clashed over what ultimately boiled down to their respective lifestyles. It was all very entertaining to watch and full of good moments. Jess was funny too, but this time the roommates stole the show. Quicky Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

-Schmidt: "You know you want in on this, man! A little fatty tune, yellow-T, Cali roll, Samurai snack. So scrummy!"
-Winston: "I'm losing my mind guys. I sometimes touch the frayed part of the power cord just to feel something"
-Jess: "I'm sorry guys. I should've told you but the community centre decided to turn our "rehearsal space" back into a "hallway", so I had nowhere to go.
-Jess: "These kids had a choice between early morning detention and music. And they all chose music!" Nick (feigning suprise): "No kidding?!"
-Dessarae: "Miss Day, can I eat some of these crackers up in here?" Schmidt: "No, no, no! Water crackers are for adults... to eat with adult cheese." Dessarae: "Can I eat a cracker sushi sandwich?"
-Two things women love: Alternative Percussion Players and Role Models..
 -Jess: "I know handbells may not be the coolest instrument in the world. They may not even be the fifth coolest".
-Jess breaks into song a couple times this episode. "Winston and me playing bells every day- until Sunday. I'm cool".
-Schmidt: "I left you a check for $30 on your pillow. Your Nanny gave you that thing for free, so as far as I'm concerned, you're up 30 bucks". Nick: "My Nanny is dead! I'm not looking to make money off of her!"
-Jess: "[Hector] really wanted to play drums, so I told him bells were the next best thing, which was a lie so I couldn't keep a straight face while I was telling him. He saw right through me".
-Winston: "Eye Of The Tiger ended the Cold War". Jess: "That's not the least bit true."
-Winston: "Where are your eyes?" EnsemBell: "On the tiger."
-Nick: "I put your couch and your freezer in your room, Schmidt. I didn't want to get my "poor" on them."
-Schmidt: "Lotus Bear Relax! I can smell it on you right now!" Nick: "Stop smelling my hair!" Schmidt: "You know how much that stuff cost?" Nick: "I didn't use your conditioner!" Schmidt: "Why does your hair look so baby soft?!" Nick: "Fine, Schmidt. I ran out of shampoo, and I used your conditioner. We're talking about conditioner, right?" Schmidt: "You used it as SHAMPOO?! It's for moisture, Nick, not for cleaning. I can't believe we're friends!"
-Jess: "I love running this group. It gives me confidence. It gives me.. muscle definition. Yeah, sometimes it gives me blinding optical migraines so I literally can't see 3 feet in front of me".

-Nick: "I want friends who still lie to me because they don't want to hurt my feelings. I sadly kind of mean that".

-The gag of the Handbells concert being just a bunch of random people in the park was great, especially with their random outbursts.

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