Sunday 20 November 2011

The Office: Gettysburg

What Happened, Yo!:

-In the cold open, we learn Pam has been faking labor to  get out of things she doesn't want to do. When her water breaks, it seems like it's happening for real, but it's another fake-out.
-Andy compares working in an office to war and wants to take the office to Gettysburg.
-Half of the office stays behind
-At Gettysburg, Dwight insists that Gettysburg is only the second-most northern battle of the city war, next to The Battle of Schrute Farms. Oscar thinks Dwight is nuts.
-Back at the office, Robert comes to visit and asks the rest of the office to come up with "game changers."
-Ryan's origami idea is rejected, but Kevin's "idea" about moving the best cookies in the vending machine to the stop spot is praised, because Robert confuses it for a metaphor. Ryan isn't pleased.
-At Gettysburg, Gabe is mistaken for Abraham Lincoln and soon finds himself putting on a play for tourists.
-Andy's efforts to inspire the office aren't working.
-Oscar and Dwight learn that Schrute Farms was in fact a part of the civil war, but as a commune for the sensitive, "fabulous", artist types and "The Battle At Schrute Farms" was a code. Oscar is incredibly amused. Dwight isn't.
-Much of the office sits down to rest and Andy hikes off on his own.
-Back at the office, Kevin is impressing Robert at lunch, until Ryan gets Kevin to tell Robert his "Big Mac Idea" (saving one part from a Big Mac a day until you have all the parts needed to build your own Big Mac, which you'll like more, because you made it.), getting Robert to realize Kevin was actually talking about cookies.
-Jim and Daryl follow Andy because the door to the bus is locked. Andy shouts at Jim that the office has a problem with sarcasm, snark, and tearing things people believe in down, but Jim points out that running a paper company is not like war, the office likes Andy as manager, and he should stop trying so hard.
-Andy concedes that Jim is right and they all head home.

I Liked This: There was plenty to like in Gettysburg. I liked the fake-out in the cold open, which strengthens my theory that the actual birth will be a surprise. I really enjoyed Robert confusing Kevin for a genius, and kind of wish that the writers had let this play out more, but I did enjoy the use of Ryan. I also enjoyed Gabe in this episode. He does kind of resemble Abraham Lincoln in a strange way and watching him ultimately embrace his role was a delight. And, while I was initially concerned with Dwight and Oscar learning that there was a "Battle at Schrute Farms", the ultimate reveal of what it was was great and made up for the fact that the writers have now inserted something into history (Though for all we know, such a place did exist during the war.). Oh, and the pink DM does GB hats were good too.

But...: The main plot of Andy taking half the office to Gettysburg didn't really do anything for me. Even Jim telling Andy that he was a good manager just reminded me of The Incentive, which had a stronger story leading up to the moment. And, even though the Kevin plot was funny, I kind of wished the whole Office had gone to Gettysburg, so the writers would have to make stronger use of the setting.

The Bottom Line: Gettysburg had a lot of funny lines and good moments in it. But there was a lack of a strong A-Story, and that wound up making it one of the weakest season 8 installments so far. I still love The Office and am confident they can come back strong next week, but I just wasn't enjoying it as much this week.

Grade: Enjoyable Enough (Pretty Good)

Memorable Moments

-Dwight: “The Civil War history industry has conveniently forgotten about the battle of Schrute farms. It’s just grossly irresponsible.”
-Dwight: “You are filling [Erin's] head with nonsense. You and the history books!”
-Again, Gabe as Lincoln was great. “Some people call me the emancipator, but you might know me from the penny.”
-Oscar: “I apologize for my friend, and the Republicans who are cutting your funding. “

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