Thursday 1 December 2011

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: South Pacific: Cult-Like

So once again, Survivor tricked me into thinking something could happen, only to go for the predictable vote. But this time around, I wasn't as bugged with the predictability of the vote, because there was plenty of interesting things going on with it. And of course, 5 things I enjoyed.

1. Cochran's Last Stand: Now that most of Savii is gone, Cochran is next on the chopping block unless he can change enough minds to rise him up to the sixth position. This is the thrust of much of the episode, and it's entertaining to watch Cochran try to save himself for one more day. His plea at the beginning of the episode seems to convince Albert and Coach (Though Sophie just got offended by it). But ultimately, he is voted out and sent to face Ozzy. Which means his big move was incredibly stupid in the long run and ultimately left him worse off than he would've been if he had just stuck with Savii. Which is too bad for him, but that's how the game is played.

2. Lie About Your Birthday And Get A Massage: I just found this really funny. Part of Cochran's plea was that it was almost his birthday and he'd like to spend it with Upolu. So Albert gave up his reward to Cochran as a birthday present (and also probably an attempt to get Cochran's vote at the end.). The best part of this? It wasn't anywhere close to Cochran's birthday. Of course, Albert still may have given Cochran the reward to get favour, but it's funnier that it was partially a birthday present.

3. Prince and Princess Albert: At first, I just liked the scene of Albert not doing work around camp and Edna and Rick complaining, because Rick got to do some talking. And his line about Prince Albert was funny. But Cochran later used Rick's comments to try and get Albert onboard to vote out Rick, which would've been an interesting turn of events, had they actually gone through with it. But even though, Cochran wound up getting voted out, it'll be interesting to see if this Prince Albert thing carries on to create more issues for Rick in the next couple episodes.

4. The Strange Case of Brandon Hantz: Over the course of the season, I've gone from being annoyed with Brandon to utterly fascinated by him. Here is a man with no room for the "shades of grey" theory on morality. Everything is black and white for him, which means he will always keep his word, but it makes it hard for him to strategize at all. Which is what everyone pointed out to him tonight, after his latest tribal outburst. There's something noble about a man who refuses to recognize a middle ground between good and bad, but in a game like Survivor, it's not that helpful. Things are definitely coming to a head for Brandon and I'm intrigued to see where things go from here, as next week hints Brandon is in trouble.

5. Saying No To Jeff Probst: So simple, but good enough to make my 5 Things I Enjoyed list. Jeff talks about what an eye-opening tribal they just had. Sophie just shakes her head no. She doesn't think it was eye-opening at all. Honestly, Sophie has been my pick to win for a while now and that simple gesture just elevated her further in my mind. Go Sophie! Keep disagreeing with Jeff.

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