Thursday 17 November 2011

5 Things I Enjoyed About: Survivor: South Pacific: Running the Show

Oh, Survivor. Getting me to think that Albert might change the game only to have it not happen was cruel. But it did lead to some killer suspense in an episode, where the outcome would otherwise be expected once Dawn and Whitney barely lost out on immunity. And it was still a solid episode in a very good season so I can still think of 5 things I liked.

1. Who's Running The Show?: When Jim mentions that Upolu is the closest thing to a cult he's ever seen, my one thought was that he obviously didn't see Redemption Island, which featured a much worse cult than what Coach has set up. Coach doesn't state that he's the leader though former Savii members may disagree with this statement (And Coach later calls himself a mob boss, which I'm pretty sure is a leader, Coach.). So I found the various points of view on whether or not Coach was the leader quite enjoyable and interesting. Especially Albert's Tribal statements when he suggests Coach may just be a figurehead. Or a puppetmaster.

2. Sharing the Screen: I also liked that this episode gave more screentime to people like Whitney and Sophie, who we haven't seen that much of since the game began (though Whitney was in danger of going to Redemption, and Sophie won both immunity challenges, so I guess the extra screentime was a given.). Still not much of Rick though, but I can accept that.

3. Tons of Challenges: There was the redemption island duel, where Ozzy managed to balance his boards, and score a win over Keith and Jim and stay alive in the game. There was the main challenge, where people had to balance rice on their heads and cross teeter totters, which was fun to watch and had Sophie score a win by gambling on being able to carry a massive amount of rice. And then there was the extra immunity challenge, where they were asked survival questions and Sophie managed to win again, sealing Whitney's fate. All the challenges had a good amount of tension, which made them enjoyable. Which is why they're here.

4. Albert Gets My Hopes Up: Albert considers getting Cochran, Dawn and Whitney on his side when it comes time to vote, by voting out Edna instead of them. He even gets Sophie in on it and it looks like they're really going to go through with it. Of course they don't, but the tension wondering whether or not they'll go through with it made for excitement. And also Coach making sure his original alliance knows anyone who goes against the family is dead.

5. Jim wants to go to Double Secret Redemption Island: If only, Jim. If only. It doesn't exist but his hope for Double Secret Redemption Island was probably the best line of the night. I'm sad to see Jim go. Ozzy is staying alive and staying strong out there, but I sort of wish Jim or Keith had won out. Hopefully, Dawn or Whitney will win the day next time, just to shake things up.

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