Thursday 3 November 2011

Survivor: South Pacific: Double Agent

That's right, Survivor is getting a full write-up this week. Part of this is to compensate for the big quicky review I gave for the last 5 issues. And part of this was because this was the best episode of the season so far. And it's all because of Cochran.

The episode doesn't waste time before getting to the duel so we can find out if Ozzy's big plan to make the tribes even for the merge will work (I had seen promos, so the suspense of if the merge was coming was gone). Ozzy actually beats Christine quite easily and the tribes go into the merge completely even. Now for the second stage of Ozzy's plan: have Cochran convince Upolu that he is going to flip in an effort to get information from them. Except there's only one problem: Ozzy's effort at Duel to convince Upolu that Cochran had betrayed the tribe was incredibly poorly-acted. And no one falls for it. So Coach attempts to get Cochran to flip for real after calling his bluff, in order to avoid a tie, in which case the person ousted is determined by random chance. And based on his fear of having to pick a rock, and the fact that he's still at the bottom of his tribe and goes through much bullying, he considers it. He also tells all of Upolu that Ozzy did get himself voted out. And as Cochran considers switching sides, Dawn (who has felt bad that she hasn't stood up for Cochran that much so far) considers joining him.

After the duel, in which Dawn and Ozzy outlast everybody to win immunity, Savii is feeling good about their chances and decide to use their idol to give Whitney immunity so that there's only a small chance that one of them will go to redemption. Little do they suspect that Cochran is still seriously considering betraying them, telling Sophie exactly what they plan to do and making sure he has top sleeping arrangements. Meanwhile Dawn decides that she won't go through with betraying the tribe and tries to convince Cochran to stay loyal. But Cochran really doesn't want to pick rocks and Dawn winds up just not saying anything to the tribe, hoping that maybe Cochran will have a last-second change of heart.

Tribal Council is intense and much of the talk is about the merits of switching. They also talk about how bad Ozzy's acting was with Sophie even saying that she was offended by it. Then everyone goes to vote, Ozzy plays the idol on Whitney... and it's a tie between Rick and Keith. Cochran's tribe loyalty is getting strong. So they vote again... and Cochran switches sides once and for all sending Keith to redemption and getting Jim to declare him a coward. Which leads to Brandon actually having a nice moment where he points out that talk like that led to Cochran switching in the first place. So Cochran proves to be a triple agent and completely changes the course of the game. Not bad for a nerd. Of course, there's no way he's going to win now since much of Savii will be in the jury and judging on the preview for next week, are all pissed at him. But he made a bold move that finally makes him worthy of not being known as John. And for that, I applaud him. Man, I love this show.

Grade: Zounds! (Almost Perfect)

Memorable Moments

-Merged tribe name is Te Tuna. Kind of stupid, so I won't be using it much.

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