Friday 25 November 2011

Modern Family: Punkin Chunkin'

What Happened, Yo!:

-Kenneth, a former neighborhood kid who looked up to Phil is coming to visit on Thanksgiving.
-Kenneth reveals that he's become very rich and successful and he owes it all to emulating Phil and following his heart.
-When Luke wonders why Kenneth has gotten rich being like Phil and Phil hasn't, Phil decides it because Claire supresses him.
-After Claire criticizes his efforts setting the tables for Thanksgiving, he vents his frustrations at her.
-Meanwhile Manny has made a bad centrepiece for Thanksgiving, but Gloria insists on praising it and tells Jay not to be negative.
-Jay eventually tells Manny anyways, because he feels he could handle it. Manny takes it, but he clearly isn't happy about it.
-Also meanwhile, Cameron is telling his Punkin Chunkin' story, which is about how he and his friends allegedly shot a pumpkin across a football field and through the sunroof of the local preacher. When it ends a little flat, Mitchell makes the wah-wah sound and saves it. Cam does not appreciate this.
-Mitchell tells Cam to maybe stick with the stories that are true, but Cam insists Punkin Chunkin' happened.
-Lastly meanwhile, Alex distracts Hayley who inadvertantly dents the family van. Hayley wants Alex to keep it a secret, but Alex has a hard time with this.
-At the Thanksgiving dinner, all the tension comes to a head with the family dividing into camps based on who believes Cam's story. This means we have the Dreamers (Most of the characters) and the Pritchetts (Jay, Claire, Mitchell, Alex). They decide to settle once and for all if you can shoot a pumpkin across a football field.
-The dreamers try and fail, but the Pritchetts take pity on them and decide to help them, by adjusting the sling they're using and getting more pumpkins.
-Alex and Hayley come clean about the van just as a pumpkin finally makes it across the field and slams into the side, meaning it would've been dented anyways and they could've got away with it.

I Liked This: I haven't talked about Modern Family in a while, mostly due to timing issues, but I was a fan of Punkin Chunkin'. A lot of the elements in it are familliar (Claire, Mitchell and Jay being spoilsports isn't exactly breaking new ground), but there's plenty of comedy in it and they did find some new places to go with it. Phil and Luke continue to be a stellar combination, and the whole thing with the headscratcher was great. And the resolution of the realists helping the dreamers was sweet. Also, this is the second time in like two weeks that a character named Kenneth has been on a show I watch. I find that awesome.

But...: There was some weak moments to all the plots, and the Alex/Hayley story could've used at least one more scene before the conclusion. And while the resolution of the episode was sweet, it was a bit too predictable.

Grade: Awesome! (Good)

The Bottom Line: Punkin Chunkin' was a solid Modern Family episode with lots of fun to be had, even with the rehashing of old themes.

Memorable Moments

-Luke's inexplicable hatred of Lily continues to be great for comedy. Especially his desire to try shooting her across the football field.
-Phil and Luke do the voice of the turkey while Claire prepares it. When she adds in "Tell my wife and kids I love them" as she puts the turkey in the oven, they find that too dark.
-Phil: "If I had a son he'd be like Kenneth Ploufe". Claire: "You do have a son".
-Phil: "I wouldn't say I was his hero". Claire: "You just did". Phil: "Because you weren't going to".
-Jay: "If you told him the truth he'd thank you later". Gloria: "Like Claire and Mitch, did they thank you?" Jay: "Not yet, but it's coming".
-Haley: "Saying nothing is not lying. It's just letting the truth speak for itself".
-Phil: "I love your 'I love you,' but I'm getting tired of your 'but.' Yeah I heard it."

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