Thursday 10 November 2011

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: South Pacific: Cut Throat

"I thought we were supposed to be in the final 3". Those are the last words of Cut Throat, uttered by Jim as he joins Ozzy and Keith on Redemption Island, which just go to show what a game changer Cochran's move last week truly was. Of course, with the rest of Savii now freshly vulnerable, it was pretty clear who would be going to Redemption this week (unless there was another game changing move, which there wasn't.). But the episode was still enjoyable, so here are 5 specific things I enjoyed.

1. For Some Mysterious Reason Savii Hates Cochran: OK, technically I didn't really enjoy watching this, but it was good television. Because oh, man. It was previewed last week, but the first few minutes of Cut Throat were a bit hard to watch, as Ozzy, Jim, and Whitney tore into Cochran hard. Well, Ozzy wasn't that bad. He was at least civil about it, so Cochran sent away bodyguard Brandon. Then Jim told Cochran to never speak to him again and Whitney told Cochran he disgusted her. You can understand their emotions though. If I was in their shoes, I'd've been pissed at Cochran too. As a viewer though, I found his big move exciting, because it changed things up.

2. You Get The Water From The Coconut And Spit It All Out: As a double elimination episode, we got to the duel pretty quick, which had everyone try to shoot a coconut in the basket and then had the first 4 people to do this break coconuts, get a mouthful of coconut water, and rush through an obstacle course trying to fill a vial. And though Whitney and Dawn both made it to the second part, this really was a race between Jim and Sophie. And ultimately, Jim won his survival for another day at least when Sophie threw up just as she was about to beat him. Which leads to...

3. Tribal #1: Send A Message: Though Jim considered transferring his immunity to Ozzy, he ultimately decides against it, and winds up using a big part of tribal council for a wacky speech, where he implores Upolu to vote out Cochran to send a message to future generations of survivors that being devious and dishonorable doesn't get rewarded. Of course, Coach points out that this would also teach future generations of survivors that if you stand up for yourself you get screwed, and Ozzy gets voted out. Nice try though, Jim (also nice was the sand diagram he drew up later in the episode when trying to get Albert and Sophie to flip.)

4. Dawn: So Nice, It's Dangerous: During the second immunity challenge, everyone in Upolu plus Cochran took the option of easting pastries instead of competing, and Dawn made some supportive comments that everyone appreciated. Except Albert realized that Dawn was slowly worming her way into their alliance and that she was really dangerous if she made it to the finals. So he thinks about voting for Dawn instead of Jim (Whitney has immunity.). Of course, this is only there so the forthcoming tribal isn't so predictable, but it'll assumedly be important next week and it was good to see Albert acknowledge that Dawn is dangerous. But of course Upolu + Cochran all vote for Jim. But not before...

5. Tribal #2: Brandon Treats Savii To His Insane Tribal Ramblings: Brandon annoys me as a player, but I have to admit: when he freaks out at Tribal, it's always amusing. This time, Dawn mentions that it was kind of hard for her to watch Upolu stuff themselves at the challenge and he sees it as a contradiction of her earlier support of their decision. Dawn calmly handles her way through it though. Oh! And he also says that they won't stop until Savii is all wiped out. Oh, Brandon. What kind of wacky shenanigans will you get into next week.

And that's five. That's all for now. Expect the regular coverage of Community, Parks and Rec, and Office over the next day or two after they air tonight. And expect me to talk about Chuck again, after missing last week.

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