Tuesday 22 November 2011

How I Met Your Mother: The Rebound Girl

What Happened, Yo!:

-Marshall and Lily are going to sell their house at the suburbs, but after realizing how much bigger it is than their apartment, they decide to move in.
-Ted and Barney are both going through hard times, consider going gay but realize they can't do it. Then, both going through hard times, they decide they want to adopt a baby together.
-Robin freaks out when she hears that Lily and Marshall want to move to Long Island. She tries to get them to not do it and they decide to wait for a sign. Then their neighbor tells them that if they were selling their apartment, he'd give them a good price for it so they decide to sell.
-Ted begins to have second thoughts about adopting a baby with Barney, when Barney starts talking about things like getting a pet cobra. So Barney gets a real baby to try and convince Ted. Ted is worried about the origins of the baby, but likes the attention it gets from women so decides to go with it.
-As they begin to gather for Thanksgiving in Lily and Marshall's new house, Robin locks herself in the bathroom and refuses to leave until Lily and Marshall change their minds.
-Lily is surprised when Ted and Barney show up with a baby, and when Barney goes off to find diapers, she convinces Ted that this isn't a good idea after all.
-Marshall talks to Robin and figures out that she's upset about something else besides him and Lily moving.
-The baby is revealed to belong to Barney's brother who Barney had invited to Thanksgiving without telling Lily (Well he had sent the e-mail about it to her Compuserve account.). James tells Ted that it isn't crazy to want a baby, but it'll be better if he waits for the right person.
-Ted and Barney don't go through with adopting a baby. Barney talks to Robin and asks if they're still friends. She says she hopes so. Barney tries to pass the whole baby thing off as Ted's idea. He asks Robin if she could ever she him with a baby.
-Robin reveals that she's pregnant.

I Liked This: Holy crap! I did not see that twist coming. The whole Robin/Barney storyline just got turned on it's head and I'm genuinely excited to see where the writers are going with this. And the episode building up to it was pretty great too. I liked the jokes about Marshall and Lily's apartment being too small, especially with Robin breaking two lamps. And the whole flashback where Marshall considers whether or not he should leave his job at the bank and becomes convinced he should become a Ghostbuster, complete with Ernie Hudson asking him "Who you gonna call?" was easily the comic highlight of the episode. The baby plot was also funny, with HIMYM showing that Hurricane is a great baby name. And Barney not knowing what diapers are appropiate for a baby was good too. But man, that ending.

But...: As great as the twist was, there is the chance that this twist could derail the rest of the season if this storyline isn't handled right. I'm confident this won't be an issue though.

The Bottom Line: This was a great episode with a big twist at the end, that's sure to affect the rest of the season in an interesting way. As long as it's handled right. Which it should be.

Memorable Moments:

-Barney: "I don't think I even like girls anymore". Ted: "Based on all the stuff you've done with them over the years, I'm not sure you ever liked them."
-Barney on seahorses: "They have little pouches! They should be sea kangaroos".
-Future Ted: "Kids, I cannot stress this enough. Barney and I were going through a tough time."
-Barney: "A kid needs a pet cobra. Ted don't be pill about this."
-Robin: "Facts about Long Island: No. 1 It's Brooklyn's fart trail."
-Lily: "Ernie Hudson even begged you not to go through with it." Marshall: "Ernie Hudson is a coward."

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