Wednesday 16 November 2011

Memorable Moments: New Girl: Thanksgiving

Quicky Opinion: Thanksgiving was probably the strongest episode New Girl has had to date. Partly because it didn't end with a variation of the climax of the pilot, but also because it allowed us to see new sides of the character. Justin Long was fun in his first guest appearance as basically male Jess, and Schmidt was as enjoyable as ever. I also liked the last-minute twist of the dead body in the neighbors apartment. Hopefully, New Girl will do episodes like this more often. Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

- Jess: "What you doing for Thanksgiving?" Paul: "Well I always spend it with my Grandmother, but -" Jess: "That's so nice!" Paul: "She just died."
-Paul's grandmother died right as he was writing the Halloween Madrigal, which made it very deep. "What's it all about? Is there any point? Do we start dying the moment we were born". Those words sung by kids in monster costumes make for a great sight gag.
-Nick: "No, Jess. We're not doing Thanksgiving. We talked about this. We're just going to watch football, drink beer, and then we're going to Best Buy for Black Friday". Winston: "Or as I like to call it, Friday"
-According to Schmidt, the sexiest holidays in America are 4th of July, Independence Day, Women's history month and Christmas.
-Jess named the turkey Hanks Giving.
-Schmidt: "I wanna let you know up front that I have some control issues in the kitchen. So if I'm gonna do this, I'm cooking the whole meal. I don't want you touching anything. And I don't want to hear Schmidt, Schmidt, you're using too much tarragon".
-Cooking the turkey in the dryer was also a great joke. As was Jess trying to warm it up with her body before they tried the dryer and trying to get Cece on the floor with her.
-Winston: I'm going to say something, and you're going to say the first thing that pops into your head. Paul: "Kazoo"! Winston: "Okay, we haven't even started yet". Paul: "Okay... I'm going to stick with kazoo".
-Jess tries to cover up for her outburst to Nick about wanting to sleep with Paul that everybody heard, by claiming they're rehearsing for a bad play Nick is writing, called "Big Time".
-Poor Paul. Not only does he find the dead body, he has to ride in the elevator with it.

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