Monday 14 November 2011

Tinkering With The Format, Yo!

So Kenny Sage Talks TV, Yo! is now a couple months in, and for the most part, I've worked up a pretty solid system. But, I'm always looking for ways to improve things so I can post faster (and maybe post more things regularly), so this week I'll be trying a couple new things. The first thing will be a new "Special Format" (Like Quicky Opinions or 5 Things I Enjoy...,) that I'll be using for some of the comedies I talk about called Memorable Moments. When I don't have much to say about something (like Simpsons) or don't have time to post a full thing, I'll use the Memorable Moments format, which will be a fast quicky opinion, followed by a big collection of funny lines/sight gags from the episode. Basically a bigger version of the regular Memorable Moments.

The other new thing I'll be trying this week is a change in the regular format, which is why I'm posting about it before hand. Starting with my opinions of Friday's Chuck (hopefully), all regular opinions will look like this for the next week:

What Happened, Yo!: A bullet point summary of the basic plot and major events of the episode.

I Liked This: Here, I'll basically go in-depth into some of the things I specifically liked about the episode.

But...: Here, I'll talk about the things that bugged me about the episode.

Grade and Memorable Moments: These two things will remain unchanged.

I will try this for about a week. Then, I'll decide whether I'll be using this all the time, or just some of the time for specific shows. I really believe these changes will make my blog more efficient for me to write and better for you guys to read. So get excited, because these things are just around the corner!

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