Wednesday 2 November 2011

Sunday-Tuesday Quicky Opinion Time, Yo!

Hey everyone! Due to a couple of days full of wacky adventures, but not much opportunity to maintain this blog, I am doing a quicky opinion for Simpsons, HIMYM, Terra Nova, New Girl, and Glee. Then, I'll probably take a break from the "quicky" thing for a while. Key word: probably. I'm a busy guy.

The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror XXII: Treehouse of Horror has been around for 22 years. Almost as long as The Simpsons, so the writers have a pretty good idea on how to make them memorable. And this installment is a good one with only one real weak installment (the first story after the amusing title sequence, where Homer is paralyzed and can only communicate by farting, and even that one had a great (albeit totally unintentional) Breaking Bad Reference), and two stronger ones. My favorite was probably the middle segment, which was a bit of a Dexter spoof, mainly because I've never seen Avatar, so I didn't get many of the various references I assumed were made during that final segment. Quicky Grade: Awesome! (Good)

How I Met Your Mother: The Return of the Slutty Pumpkin: First they brought back Victoria. Now the Slutty Pumpkin (who is Katie Holmes!) is brought back into the show, and this time we actually get to meet her. The episode, which was about wanting to like something, but just not connecting with it, was a good one, with lots of comedy from Ted realizing he and Naomi don't work, and a good twist ending where we find out Naomi feels the same way. The other two stories, were good too, especially the one where we learn that Barney is a quarter Canadian. Classic. Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Terra Nova: Bylaw: Bylaw was a solid episode, that revolved around the first murder committed in Terra Nova. Though someone confessed to the murder early one, which led to an interesting dilemma, where Taylor had to decide whether to carry through with the bylaw that states banishment is the punishment for murder, the actual muder turns out to be more complicated than this. A few twists and turns later and the real culprit is being banished. Also slight advancement on Josh trying to bring his girlfriend to Terra Nova, by making him promise he'll do some mysterious task for Mira. And he's still annoying. Dinosaurs are still sweet though, and the baby Anklyosaur was cute. Grade: Awesome! (Good) Quicky Dinosaur Scene Count: 3

New Girl: Naked: Naked takes one of those classic sitcom conventions: one character walks in on a character of the opposite gender naked, and puts it's own charming, Zooey Deschanel-filled, spin on it. Basically Jess walks in on Nick dancing naked, laughs and shatters his confidence at the worse possible time: his first date since his break-up. Lots of crazy things happen, but the funniest part of the episode has to be Schmidt who is offended that he is the only one who hasn't seen Nick's penis (Winston and Nick grew up together.). His attempts to see it were hilarious. So after a three-week break, New Girl came back as funny as it's been so far. And that's a good thing. Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Glee: Pot O' Gold: After Asian F, I wasn't sure that Pot O' Gold could be as compelling, and I turned out to be... mostly right. There was still plenty of enjoyable moments. I like that Burt will be taking on Sue for the congress seat and that story was good. I also liked new Irish exchange student, Rory and his attempts to get Brittany's "Pot O' Gold" were amusing. Quinn's attempts to get her baby back though just didn't fit in right with me, no matter what justification the writers attempt to give her and Puck/Shelby is kind of creepy. And the whole Santana and Brittany defecting thing wasn't the best plot. But I still enjoyed this episode though and the next one looks to be interesting, to say the least. Grade: Enjoyable Enough (Pretty Good)

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