Monday 14 November 2011

Chuck: Chuck Versus The Frosted Tips

Welcome to the maiden test of the new format I'm trying. See the previous post (Tinkering With the Format, Yo!) for details. Let's get into it.

What Happened, Yo!:

-The intersect is affecting Morgan's brain and is making him act erratically.
-Feeling unappreciated by Carmichael Industries, he goes to work for their competitors at Verbanski Corp, the CEO of which Casey has feelings for.
-Before leaving, Morgan steals information about an assignment General Beckman has secretly given the team, and breaks up with Alex.
-Chuck thinks Morgan is just abusing his power like he did in seventh grade when he grew a moustache, and Casey is furious at Morgan, but Sarah begins to suspect something is wrong with him.
-The team breaks into Verbanski Corp to steal back their assignment. Casey and Gertrude Verbanski have a moment. Chuck confronts Morgan who tells them they aren't friends. Chuck manages to tranq Morgan and they escape.
-Ellie tells Sarsh something has been done to the intersect and when Beckman reveals that she wasn't the one who sent the intersect glasses, the team realizes that Clyde Decker had probably sent them in an effort to do something to Chuck. Chuck also realizes Morgan is losing his memory and who he is.
-Finding Morgan is on his way to the sight of their assignment (to capture a man who has classified CIA secrets), there's a confrontation at a helicopter pad, where Chuck is able to get Morgan to remember who he was, and Casey saves Gertrude after a massive explosion. Carmichael Industries gets their target and an agreement is made to split the bounty with Verbanski Corp.
-The team has some money again, and Morgan is back to normal, but Casey is still mad at him and kicks him out, so Sarah and Chuck let him live with them again. All is well...
-Until Chuck learns from Beckman that the CIA has a kill order out on Morgan for talking about the intersect. We then see Morgan approach his van, with a car bomb underneath.
-To Be Continued.

I Liked This:

I really liked the Chuck/Morgan dynamic, which was the the front and centre of this episode. Morgan has been an important character from the beginning because of his relationship with Chuck, and it was good to see that here. I also enjoyed Casey's romantic subplot with Gertrude. Casey has been lacking a proper romantic interest for some time now, and it's handled well here. I also continue to enjoy Ellie's proper integration into the spy world and Beckman's return was appreciated. I miss her as a character. This was also probably the best episode of the fifth season so far.


The minor Captain Awesome/Buy More subplot wasn't that great. I'm hoping a rehabilitated Jeff sticks though, as that could actually add potential to the Buy More. I'm also a little bummed that Morgan having the intersect is being resolved so soon, but hopefully this'll be a good thing in the long run.

Grade: Captain Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

-The scene where Chuck pantses Morgan, just like Morgan was pantsed in the seventh grade was a clever way to tranq Morgan, who had been able to dodge the darts in bullet time, before that happened.
-Again Captain Awesome's story wasn't that great, but it did lead to a great Jeff line now that he's stopped sleeping under his car and seems normal: “I will not be party to the reckless endangerment of a coworker!”

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