Monday 14 November 2011

How I Met Your Mother: Tick, Tick, Tick...

What Happened, Yo!:

-Barney and Robin's kiss led to them sleeping together and they both feel bad about it. They decide to deny it, but they also realize they have to be on a 3-hour boat cruise with the people they cheated on that night.
-On the cruise, they manage to keep it a secret, but ultimately decide they need to tell them, only to change their mind when Kevin accidentally got a drink thrown on him and Norah got a small wine stain.
-They decide to tell them after all, once they've gotten off the boat and then use this as an opportunity to get back together. But then before they can tell them, Kevin tells Robin he loves her and Norah's parents show up a day earlier than expected.
-Barney tells Norah anyways and she breaks up with him.
-Meanwhile, Ted, Marshall, and Lily are going to a concert and Ted has gotten them "sandwiches", but Lily turns it down. Marshall secretly has a "sandwich" and they plan to keep it a secret.
-When Lily sends them to get Nachos, they keep lining up at the Women's bathroom, and freaking out. Ted thinks Marshall just needs to relax, but Marshall insists on finding the nachos. They split up, but seperate encounters with a guitar-playing creepy guy in black cause them to reconcile.
-Ultimately, they believe they missed the concert but Lily informs them that they've barely been gone for two minutes.We then realize that they just thought time was going fast because of the "sandwiches", and take it as a sign that they still have plenty of time to do everything.
-At the bar, it's revealed that Robin ultimately didn't tell Kevin, after he interrupts her and gives a speech about how he doesn't care about what she's done in the past, he just cares about her, and how he hopes she'll one day see herself the way he sees her.
-Barney sadly leaves. Ted soon leaves too and notices Barney packing up rose petals and candles he had placed in Robin's room. Awww.

I Liked This: I really enjoyed this episode for the most part. I thought both of the stories built to strong finishes. I liked how Barney and Robin's story this season got tons of progression, and the poignancy of the ending was classic HIMYM. I really enjoyed the revelation of how Ted and Marshall's story actually played out. I also liked how Future Ted's talk at the beginning about how sometimes it feels time is going faster or slower than it actually is came back into play at the end, both in a hilarious way (The big twist at the end of Ted and Marshall's story), and a tragic way (Barney's longest second.). The episode was full of good jokes, and I always like it when Sandy Rivers makes an appearance. Great episode!

But...: Only a couple complaints this time out. While I wound up liking both of the stories, sandwiches as a metaphor for marijuana is a bit overplayed at this point. And I wasn't that big a fan of Barney and Robin almost giving away their secret at the beginning of the cruise, because it felt too sit-commy and conventional for this show. And keeping Robin with Kevin at this point feels a bit like prolonging the inevitable, but I can look past this because of how well done it was.

Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

-Barney: "What's that saying about two wrongs making a right?" Robin: "Two wrongs don't make a right?" Barney: "No that's not it."
-According to Ted, the tickets to the concert smell like cloves and mediocrity.
-Barney and Robin find themselves dancing to a song that seems to exactly describe their situation, even calling Barney out with “yes, you in the suit.”.
-A distracted Barney describes himself for Norah's parents: “Suits, lazer tag, I say wait for it a lot.”
-Ted gets nachos from the creepy guitar guy and a passerby tells him it's a sign. In truth, the passerby is literally telling him the guitar guy is just a sign.
-With my new format, I was able to get this up the same night I watched it, even with my limited computer access, but don't expect same night opinions to happen often.

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