Tuesday 15 November 2011

Terra Nova: Proof

What Happened, Yo!:

-There's a big establishing shot with Dinosaurs in it, and then no more Dinosaurs for the rest of the episode. Lame! And no, the Swordfish and the Komodo Dragon don't count as dinosaurs.
-Taylor and Jim are out fishing and Jim almost gets pulled into the ocean by a swordfish.
-A group of scientists are returning from a 6-month expedition, including Maddy's idol, Dr. Ken Horton. Since Elizabeth is testing him to make sure everything's OK, she lets Maddy meet him and he soon lets her become an intern for him.
-Some of the Sixers are quite sick so Mira calls in the favour she needs from Josh: he must steal a very rare, very protected medicine from the infirmary.
-Josh is reluctant to do it and Skye tries to persuade him not to, but Mira shows him proof that she can get Kara to him by letting him talk to her for a moment so he breaks in and steals the meds.
-On their way back from fishing, Jim and Taylor notice a makeshift campsite and stumble into an injured Curran (the exiled soldier from Bylaw). Taylor stays back while Jim heads on home.
-Jim thinks a drug addict has taken the medicine. Josh learns that without the medicine, a patient of his mothers will die. Josh starts feeling bad about what he's done, even though he gets word that Kara coming back is a sure thing now.
-Boylan gets a barfly who owes him money to look like he's the one who stole the medicine, but Jim quickly gets him to reveal that Boylan put him up to it.
-Meanwhile, Maddy begins to get concerned when Horton forgets some things he wrote in his books and in a letter he had sent her. When getting the letter so he can make a copy for his archives, she also notices that his signature is different on it than it is on the book he just signed for her. Elizabeth believes it's just because of the stroke he suffered, but Maddy isn't so sure. Zoe just thinks Horton is a vampire.
-Maddy gets more suspicious when she finds out her letter has been burned and gets some of Horton's DNA so she can test it with the DNA from the envelope his letter came in, but the DNA is a match. Horton has secretly seen her do this however.
-Maddy begins to think that maybe Horton had an assistant who mailed her letter and stole Horton's identity. So she goes to The Eye and figures out that Horton did have an assistant who disappeared right before Horton went to Terra Nova, and an unidentified body was found around that time too. Uh-oh.
-Fake Horton finds her, but Maddy escapes. So Fake Horton checks Zoe out of school so Maddy will have to go find him.
-Maddy sends Zoe off with a coded message for Jim, who comes in to save the day just as Fake Horton is about to kill Maddy, by use of a poisonous spider. Disappointingly, Jim uses his fists to rescue Maddy and not the "Go Away Spider" song.
-Taylor saves Curran from a Komodo Dragon and then sends him to infiltrate the Sixer's and indentify the mole, promising to let him back in if he succeeds, and threatening to kill him if he fails.
-Maddy wonders if Fake Horton's claims that the real Horton was a bad person were true, but Elizabeth reminds her that no matter who the real Horton was, he took the time to write to a little girl who was a fan, so how bad could he have been?
-Josh confesses his crimes and explains everything. Jim confronts Boylan who insists that Mira can contact the future.
-Taylor reveals to Jim that his son was working on a way to contact the future before he disappears. Jim suggests Mira may have in, but Taylor implies the truth may be more complicated by that.
-Later, Maddy picks up an apple that Fake Horton had helped prepare to harvest and we're done.

I Liked This:

Lots to like here. First and foremost, I liked that Maddy finally had a major storyline that did not involve teenage romance (her medical internship was not a major story.). I liked that the idea of the favour introduced last week came into play this week and that the major characters became aware of what Josh is up to, because it shows once more that Terra Nova is not going to drag out all these mysteries and is going somewhere (assumedly) interesting with this. So I also liked watching more pieces of the puzzle come together this week. I actually didn't mind Josh this week and felt his plotline was handled well. And I liked the scene of Taylor facing off against the Komodo Dragon, because it was often (even if it wasn't a dinosaur he was facing off against.).


Still have a few minor complaints. The swordfish CGI at the beginning was horrible. I didn't really buy that Zoe's teacher would release her to Horton without proof that Maddy had sent him. Plus, why would Zoe even willingly go with Horton if she thought he was a vampire? And they kind of ran the whole "Zoe thinks Horton is a vampire" thing into the ground by the end of the episode (though it was really enjoyable for most of the episode.) I also feel they could've made more use of Skye this week.

Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

Dinosaur Scene Count: 1. I still refuse to count the Swordfish or the Komodo Dragon. Those aren't dinosaurs! They're prehistoric creatures!
Best Prehistoric Creature Moment: The Komodo Dragon/Taylor face-off.
Boy, That Was A Stupid Idea: C'mon, Zoe's teacher. Don't they have "Stranger Danger" in Terra Nova? If you had let something like that happen in 2011, you'd have gotten in trouble.

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