Saturday 12 November 2011

Community: Studies in Modern Movement

Last night's Community wasn't that dense or complex. It wasn't as dark or meta as other episodes this season. It didn't break any ground or turn conventions on their head. It was however, a lot of fun with characters I have come to care about and with a song I also really loved. And that was all it took for me to enjoy it. A lot.

Following up on Abed's offer for Annie to move in with him and Troy in Remedial Chaos Theory, this week was moving day as everyone gathered to help Annie move from the dangerous neighborhood she lives in. Except for Jeff, but more on that in a sec. Except she starts to get agitated when Troy and Abed use all the packing tape to tape Troy to the door. Britta advises her to just be less uptight though, so she gives it a chance. And she does a good job. Even when she gets concerned because the second bedroom is apparently just a blanket fort, she gets excited when Troy and Abed put on a shadow play depicting how she's been rescued by them. Of course when she finds out that the actual 2nd bedroom is used by the two as a "Dreamatorium ("It's a place for us to have virtual adventures."), she realizes that she shouldn't be the only one who has to adapt and decides she can't move in with them. Until Troy and Abed make it up to her by giving her an actual bedroom (They're moving into the blanket fort. The Dreamtorium is too important.).This storyline was a lot of fun AND actually does feature some character growth for Annie (And Abed and Troy to an extent.).

The rest of the storylines didn't really have any character growth, with the possible exception of Shirley and Britta, who come to an understanding of sorts after their adventure picking up a Hitchhiker who thinks he's Jesus (who loves marijuana and drinking human blood, but is against race mixing.) but they were all a lot of fun. Shirley's and Britta's kinda explains itself. They're arguing about who the moral one is and then Britta picks up a hitchhiker and the scenario I just mentioned above happens. Again, there was a bit of growth here but the real fun in this storyline came from the Jesus the hitchhiker, who was really funny. Pierce's storyline meanwhile, was mainly just there for Chevy Chase to do some physical comedy, as he tried to fix a minor issue at Annie's apartment, only to cause more problems AND inhale paint fumes, but it was a lot of fun. And Annie and Pierce had a nice, small scene together at the end of it.

Jeff's storyline though, probably was the highlight of the episode for me. It had him fake being sick and at the hospital, while he actually shopped at the Gap. Unfortunately he "coincidentally" (I never once believed this was a coincidence) runs into Dean Pelton, who blackmails him into taking him to lunch, and recording a music video to Kiss From A Rose with him. The scene where they do this, while the show cuts between Annie watching the shadow play, Jesus singing a song of his own and Pierce hallucinating that he's playing the piano is the funniest scene of the episode (It also reminded me of the Somewhere Out There/Irish Dancing/Shirley's Speech montage from season 1's Environmental Science, but I love that scene too, so I didn't mind). The plot was also good because they didn't drag it out or take Dean Pelton's obsession with Jeff too far. And the conclusion, where Jeff realizes that the Dean had looked into his student e-mail account and machinated the whole situation, causing him to beat him up as another video starts and the background changes multiple times was gold. As was Jeff realizing that the Dean did wind up tweeting their video as the whole gang mocks him.

Again, this episode of Community wasn't revolutionary by any means. But not every episode can be revolutionary. Some episodes should just be fun. And this was a lot of fun. So I'm still happy with Community this week.

Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Memorable Moments

-Shirley: “How can I religiously persecute you? You don’t have a religion.”
-"Jesus loves marijuana. Jesus loves marijuana. Jesus loves marijuana... AND DRINKING HUMAN BLOOD!"
-Pierce: How long was I out? Is Napster still a thing?
-The tag, with Troy, Abed, and Annie putting on a shadow puppet play for Jeff and Britta was also gold. As was Jeff's tearful reaction to the death of the Horsebot 3000. “I liked Horsebot 3000.”

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