Tuesday 29 November 2011

Terra Nova: Now You See Me

What Happened, Yo!:

-Taylor is going OTG for the next day. He and Skye talk about how the anniversary of her parents death from some serious disease I've forgotten the name of is very soon, and how when he gets back they'll walk to some memorial area.
-Heightened security measures are in place until the spy is caught. Because Washington is away, Jim is left in charge while Taylor is gone and hopes to track down the mole.
-Zoe's pet Ankylosaur is getting big and will have to be released soon. Zoe isn't happy about it.
-Skye still isn't happy that Josh ignored her and stole from his mother.
-Oh, and Skye is also the spy! And she accidentally left a blood sample for Jim and Reynolds to find!
-Taylor is examining the latest equations Lucas has left behind when Mira gets the jump on him and captures him.
-Skye volunteers to go on a detail with Josh so she can sneak away and meet up with her Sixers contact.
-It turns out that the Sixers are keeping her mother alive with a cure but will stop giving her the cure if Skye stops getting them information.
-Taylor and Mira trade info as Mira marches Taylor to her base. Lucas is apparently close to completing his work and hates Taylor because of something he did in Somalia.
-Mira is startled by a dinosaur, giving Taylor a chance to turn the tables and make her his hostage, but we see slashers are stalking them.
-Jim strong arms Malcolm into getting the DNA from the blood sample and the computer begins computing it.
-The Slashers attack and Taylor and Mira have to dive over a waterfall where they lose their guns.
-Determining that the Slashers are a young male and female who are staking out their region and being territorial, Taylor and Mira team up to fight them off.
-Reynolds tells Jim he intends to marry Maddy. Jim points out that she's only 16, so that's kind of creepy (well he doesn't use the word creepy. But it's kind of creepy.)
-Skye, who has the night shift on her medical internship, notices her DNA being computed. Later on, she sneaks into the lab and destroys it.
-Though the sample has been destroyed, by determining who had access to the centre, and using the info they could get from the DNA to narrow down gender, Jim narrows it down to 47 suspects.
-Mira and Taylor successfully fight off the dinosaurs.They admit they could've been a good team if they were on the same side and go their separate ways.
-Jim tells Reynolds he's a good kid and that he's a lot easier on him than Elizabeth's father was on Jim.
-The Shannons release the Anklyosaur into the wild and it quickly finds a bigger Ankylosaur.
-Skye and Taylor set off on their walk to the memorial area, with Taylor still unaware that she is the spy.

I Liked This: This episode continued the trend of pushing things forward towards a big conclusion. I'm fine with the reveal that Skye is the spy, because she's been underused these past few weeks and the justification of the reveal was well done. I had a feeling that Skye's mention that she hoped a cure for the disease that killed her parents would turn out to be significant, but the reveal that her mother was actually alive was an unexpected one. Plus Terra Nova made up for the past couple dino-sparse weeks with the Taylor/Mira plot (which was a pretty solid plot in general). And the dinosaurs all looked real good too. Way better than that swordfish from a couple weeks ago.

But...: The Taylor/Mira plot was mostly solid, but it suffered from some pretty clunky dialogue in parts. Also, Taylor and Mira were so casual with each other, it robbed the plot of a lot of it's urgency. Skye destroying her DNA sample also just seemed like a way to drag out the spy plot for another week. And while the Anklyosaur story was sweet, since this was only the second time we'd seen this thing, the emotional impact of it leaving didn't really land.

The Bottom Line: A rather solid episode with some issues as things begin to ramp up for the finale. I'm getting psyched as to where we're going with this.

Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Memorable Moments

-Dinosaur Scene Count: 7!
-Best Dinosaur Moment: Taylor and Mira versus the Slashers.
-Reynolds continues to be awkward around Jim. It's good to see them interact more this week and their relationship develop, but I'm still hoping this is leading up to something.
-Oh, and how could Reynolds think that the middle of a spy hunt is the proper time to declare his intentions for Maddy? Silly Reynolds.

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