Thursday 19 January 2012

Glee: Yes/No

What Happened, Yo!:

-Emma and Sue find out that Beiste eloped over the holidays with Cooter (So much for that love triangle they were setting up.). Emma begins wishing that Will would propose and Sue suggests that Emma propose to him. She fantasizes about it but accidentally slips it out in front of Will, who decides that he's going to propose. In order to make it perfect, he assigns the Glee Club to come up with the perfect proposal song.

-Meanwhile Sam is still trying to get back Mercedes, but Mercedes keeps insisting that their relationship was just a summer fling. In an effort to impress her, Sam joins the only sports team with an open spot: synchronized swimming. As the club works on the assignment, Mercedes and a few of the other girls sing The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face and she thinks of Sam instead of her current boyfriend. The rest of the girls tell her to think about it and to take things slow and this storyline is left to be continued.

-Also meanwhile, Becky decides she is going to romance Artie and make him her boyfriend. Artie sort of asks out Sugar and gets rejected right before Becky comes along so he lets her watch him perform and later goes to dinner with him. While he defends his actions, saying he likes spending time with Becky, he gets nervous when she sends him a nude photo. When he tells Sue he really doesn't intend to see Becky again, Sue tells him to just straight up tell her and treat her like a normal person. Becky is hurt by the news, but Sue helps cheer her up.

-Will learns that Finn is planning to join the army, like his father before him. He alerts Finn's mom and Burt, who tell him that Finn's dad wasn't the hero Finn thinks he has. For some reason, Finn's dad was dishonorably discharged, and after coming home, he developed a drug addiction and died of an overdose. Finn is devastated by the news and left more unsure than ever. Later Finn, Rachel, and Kurt lament the future and how unsure they are of what's going to happen (NYADA letters are coming back and Rachel and Kurt are unlikely to get them.).

-Will, meanwhile asks Emma's parents for their blessing to marry Emma, but is shot down. They tell Will that she won't be able to handle marriage and all that stuff with her condition. Will starts having second thoughts and upsets Emma when he suggests she might not be able to handle the marriage. But, he later decides to go through with proposing and gets the Glee Club and the Synchronized Swimming Team to put on a big aquatic rendition of We Found Love, before he proposes. Emma accepts happily.

-Later Rachel meets Finn in the break room where he talks about how much he loves her before he straight out proposes to her. TWIST!

I Liked This: Yes/No was a solid episode to come back to the third season on. I'm glad that the writers are no longer dragging their feet on Emma and Will, by inserting more contrived drama to get between them. These two people love each other so why not marry them off? And even though it was obvious that Will would propose and Emma would accept, I did enjoy the scene between the two of them after Emma's parents plant doubt in Will's mind. Emma's OCD is serious and it's good to see the show tackle it honestly. As far as the other plots go, I was a bit worried at first with where Becky and Artie's storyline would go when I saw it in the previews, but it was actually very well-handled and entertaining. Hellen Mirren as Becky's voice-over was really funny, and it added extra weight to her final voice-over. It was nice to see softer Sue in this episode as well. Finn's story was also quite good. The idea that everything he thought he knew about his dad was a lie is a good one, and I liked how it led to the proposal I didn't see coming. Finn and Rachel are again two characters who should be together, and this proposal makes things extra interesting. Can't wait to see how she responds.

But...: First of all, Will makes finding a proposal song an assignment? Really?! Even for Will, this seemed like a serious misuse of authority. Secondly, I was a bit disappointed with how the love triangle storyline between Sue, Beiste.and Cooter was resolved before it could even get started. Really? They couldn't stretch that story out any further. And, for a person Mercedes is supposed to be serious about, we've seen barely anything between her and Shane that shows why she'd want to be with him over Sam. I actually forgot the character's name until she brought it up. That makes the love triangle storyline pretty one-sided. Hopefully they fix that soon. Those are my main quibbles. I also thought the Summer Nights number was rather unnecessary (though I'll admit it was entertaining), and I'm not sure about Syhnchronized Swim Coach Roz Washington. Her rant was funny, but her character came off as a clone of Sue Sylvester (minus the hatred of Glee Club). Hopefully, if she becomes a recurring character, her personality will become more distinctive because this show certainly doesn't need two Sue's. Those were my only issues though.

The Bottom Line: Yes/No was a fairly solid episode of Glee and a good one to start the second half of the season on. I can't wait to see where these characters go from here.

Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Memorable Moments

-Best Musical Number: We Found Love was good and flashy, but my favorite number this week was the smaller-scale, but incredibly emotionally effective The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face.

-Worst Musical Number: I did not care for Rachel's slow version of Without You. Santana and Artie's assesment of the song were pretty on the dot.

-Sue: "Well Michael Chiklis in a wig, I would like to offer my congratulations. I've been bested. I guess it's time to call Boreanaz."

-Becky's voice over: "I, Becky Faye Jackson, am the hottest bitch at McKinley High School. You may be wondering why I sound like the Queen of England. It's simple: in mind, I can sound like whomever I want. So lay off, haters".
-Roz Washington: "I've never seen lips like that on a white child, and one of your nipples is higher than the other."

-Sam: "Swimming is sexy". Finn: "Not if it's synchronized!"

-Sue: "You can maybe go one day without the driving gloves. It's a wheel chair Artie, not a Porsche".

-Artie jumping into the pool was pretty funny and I was glad to see that he wasn't putting himself in any danger.

-Also, how the hell did Will find the time to change into that fancy suit and get to the other side of the pool during the duration of We Found Love. That was ridiculous.

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