Monday 19 December 2011

Survivor: South Pacific: Loyalties Will Be Broken

Oh, man. Last night another season of Survivor drew to a close as Sophie (my pick for winner) sunk to her lowest ebb with a tribal council breakdown, then recovered from it to beat Ozzy, become the new Dragonslayer, vote Ozzy out, and go on to beat Coach to obtain a million dollars. Because of the lateness of this, I'm not really going to get into much detail about the final 2 hours of the show. But they helped cement this season as a great one with plenty of fascinating characters and happenings. I guess I can pick out several moments I enjoyed specifically.

-Ozzy's reaction when he learns how Brandon got blind-sided.
-Sophie shouting at Albert to drop his stack and help her beat Ozzy.
-Ozzy causing Sophie to meltdown at Tribal. I enjoyed this because it showed a more vulnerable side to Sophie than we had previously seen, and it makes it easier to cheer her on after her victory.
-The restoration of the Albert/Sophie/Coach alliance was nice to see, after it had apparently been destroyed last episode.
-The final immunity challenge which seemed to be gearing us for another Ozzy victory, before Sophie overtakes him on the puzzle and wins it.
-Sophie getting crowned as the new Dragon Slayer for defeating the dragon known as Ozzy.
-Coach ultimately not taking Ozzy to the end, like he had previously implied and voting him off.
-Ozzy's squeal of joy after being voted off.
-The final tribal council. Specifically:
-Rick not giving Albert the chance to defend himself.
-Jim telling Albert if he tried to compliment Coach or Sophie before pointing out their flaws, he would instantly lose the vote. Albert goes on to compliment... Jim.
-Sophie saying she saw Coach as a young girl she could take to the end.
-Brandon insisting that Albert give him a Yes/No answer on if he knew Brandon was going home.
-Edna being surprisingly calm and levelheaded for her turn at bat.
-Brandon's reaction after Sophie reveals the idol deception.
-Sophie winning.
-I liked Russell's appearance at the reunion show too.

So that's it for South Pacific. I'm incredibly excited for the idea of Survivor: One World, which opens the doors for tons of new strategic possibilities. I might do something different than 5 Things I Enjoyed... for One World. We'll have to see.

And that's it for now.

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