Thursday 5 January 2012

Memorable Moments: Happy Endings: The Shrink, the Dare, Her Date and Her Brother

Happy Endings is probably the funniest show I occasionally watch. I mentioned it way back in my original schedule as a show I'd sometimes talk about, but that became difficult with my limited access to the TV Wednesday nights. This year though, I have some better resources and think I'll be able to talk about this show more often (Not to mention, watch this show more often). I also realized that with it's fast pace, simple (but crazy) plots and it's tendency to have wall-to-wall jokes, this show was perfect for my memorable moments format. So let's talk about last night's episode: The Shrink, the Dare, Her Date and Her Brother.

Quicky Opinion: The Shrink, the Dare, Her Date and Her Brother was a very funny episode of Happy endings with lots of jokes and good story from the character pairings. I could relate with Brad and Alex's dilemma of not having much in common (And their eventual bonding ver RomComs was quite funny), and found Max and Jane's battle over a sweater, which had them wearing terrible outfits was quite funny. They even used Dave and Penny's plot to introduce a potential romantic complication down the line. So a good outing for Happy Endings last night. Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

-Before we start, with this entry I have figured out how to put pictures in my entries! And I find that more exciting than it probably is..

-Max: "Big news! New Rom-Com opening tonight!" Everyone else: "Noooo." Penny: "I bet it's got some super vague title that says that tells nothing about the movie". Max: "Yeah, That's The Way It's Gotta Be". Dave: "Really? Do they all have to be so stupid and predictable?" Max: "No, that's the title of the movie: That's The Way It's Gotta Be."

-Jane tries to guess the predictable plot of That's The Way It's Gotta Be.: "Or [It's about] somebody whose supposed to marry someone and then leaves them at the (She looks over at Dave and Alex who are looking at her)... Dentist's office."

-Max claims his Grandma died and left him the disputed sweater. Penny: "How many times has your Grandma died? Because you said the same thing about half a club sandwich."

-Jane: "Get back here, you gay!" Max: "You gay?! That's the best you could think of"?

-Brad: "Seriously, I get stuck with the check again? What is the point of having white friends?"

-Penny: "You guys are so vain. You probably think this sweater is about you" Max: "Don't you- don't you dare make that joke."

-Dave: "This is Richard. He's my work- friend- colleague, who I know from camp- the war- dance class." Jane: "War. Which war?" Dave: "The war on drugs. And we won. You're welcome".

-Penny finds out Richard is Dave's therapist. "Oh thank God. I was afraid you were actually taking a dance class".

-Max on being attacked by Jane: "God, it's like being attacked by a rake!"

-Jane: "I twisted my ankle twisting Max's ankle."

-Max's go-to "out call" is "There's a meteor about to hit the earth".

-Max: "How do you think Jane would feel about high-waisted jeans?" Brad: "I think she would have to be high and wasted."

-Jane: "Everything about this shirt is going to look bad on Max". Penny: "He has two of them. He wore one to your wedding".

-Brad: "So... stamps went up again. Unbelievable": Alex: "I get the forever ones but who knows how long they're good for".

-Alex: "Are hip-hop and rap the same thing?" Brad: "Yes."

-Dave is surprised about his therapist. "So socially, he prefers Rick Rickman?"

-Rick Rickman: "You've been talking about your mother a lot today. And it makes me wonder: where does Penny work? And what bus line is that on?

-Penny: "What do you wear to a stalking? Stockings? No, that's too on the nose".

-Max: "Nothing is weird. I've dated Baliff's, Monks, Jockey's, and my personal best is a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick maker and, yes, that was all in one tub." Dave: "Please tell me that wasn't our tub".

-Alex: "It should be super easy to fool [Jane] because I'm super easy to fool and we're sisters". Dave: "In hindsight, I may have dodged a bullet".

-Dave: "Am I the only one who thinks the name Rick Rickman is insane?" Alex: "Well, it's a lot better than Dick Dickman." Dave: "No, you- you can't change the last name. Forget it. I did dodge a bullet".

-Brad is caught about to see That's The Way It's Gotta Be and tries to make an excuse. "I thought this was the murder death sports explosion film for men. With full beard. And ample chest hair".

-Brad: "Last year I told Jane I was going to the Chicago ComicCon. But really I went to the RomComCon".

-Jane: "You look like Jamiroquai before labor day". Max: "You look like Carol Brady right before she got arrested for molesting Bobby".

-The scenes in the RomCom echoing Dave confronting Penny and his therapist with Penny's therapist was great.

-Fireman: "Where's the fire?" Jane (in underwear): "Right here, boys" Max (also in underwear): "Jane, I thought we agreed on in our pants. The fire is in our pants".

-Rick Rickman: "Therapy is a 2-Way street, David!" Dave: "No, it's not".

-One last side note: this post marks the 100th entry of Kenny Talks TV, Yo! It's been a wild ride so far and things are just starting to heat up!

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