Thursday 12 January 2012

Memorable Moments: Happy Endings: Meat The Parrots

Quicky Opinion: Meat the Parrots was another great episode of Happy Endings. I enjoyed Megan Mullally the first time she showed up as Penny's mom and I enjoyed even more this time out. I also enjoyed the introduction of Dave's dad. Meanwhile, Alex's racist parrot was a great running gag and the investigation into the chinese resturant had hilarious results. All in all, another great episode of an increasingly better Happy Endings. Quicky Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments:

-Alex getting all the answers in the celebrity guessing game based on increasingly minimal clues (The last few were just various throat clearing sounds) was great.

-Brad: "Who put in so many honorable Elijah Muhammad's?" Max: "Ali was on last night".

-Jane: "Even as kids, Alex and I were always finishing each others-" Alex: "Pizzas!" Jane: "I was going to say sentences, but that works too because I was not much of a crust girl". Alex: "I love my pie crusty".

-Penny: "The closest I ever got to a kid sister was a MyBuddy doll?" Max: "Why didn't you just get a Kid Sister doll?" Penny: "I did, but we weren't that close".

-Jane: "Big Dave is coming to town? God, I love your dad". Alex: "Ugh, he hates me for no reason". Everyone Else: "You left Dave at the altar!" Alex: "No it was not that. He thinks I spilled chocolate milk on his sheep-skin sea covers when I was 9".

-Alex: "And I was a big girl. I was able to do long division with leftovers". Jane: "Remainders".

-Alex: "C'mon guys. We could play charades. I could bake cookies. I'll get naked!"

-Alex: "My store's empty all day long!" Brad: "Well hire somebody." Alex: "Well, they usually want money".

-Never Not Funny: Tyler, the racist parrot. Stock, racist ("White power", "America for Americans") and homophobic ("It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve") statements sound funny when a parrot says them.

-Penny: “I went to third base with Peter Wong in that rec room. I still smile every time I see wood paneling. Or Peter Wong.”

-Dave: "Peter Wong. Really? Didn't that kid always use to wear a cape?" Jane: "Yes." Dave: "You too?" Jane: "Up, up, and away".

-Max: "Alex, what was so important that you called us here? I was right i the middle of doing nothing".

-Alex: "I got him from Why would a stoner have a racist bird?"

-Hitler's birthday is also Brad's birthday. Go figure.

-Alex: "Max! You knocked over all my Tibetan mood rings." Max: "Sorry, Alex". Alex: "It's OK. (Looks at mood ring) Turns out I'm not even that upset about it".

-Alex: "So Dave's new mom is Penny's old mom?"

-Big Dave: "Penny, Jane, Brad, (Looks at Alex) Butterfingers".

-Great Sight Gag: Alex has to drink wine out of a sippy cup.

-Penny tries to give her new little bro a wedgie, only to remember too late that Dave's not wearing undies.

-Max insists on saying "just like on The Wire", because saying "just like Blue Bloods just doesn't pop".

-Dave talks up his Sandiwch: "Greer Cheese, because you helped me to Greer up! That one's not great."

-Dave: "Hope those are hisses of excitement".

-Max: "Just follow my lead and stay cool". Waitress: "Can I take your order?" Max: "YOU TELL US WHERE THE WHORES ARE AT!" Brad: "I'm sorry. I think he means can we get some egg rolls?" Alex: "The weird ones you have sex with and-" Brad covers her mouth: "And she means can we have some duck sauce on the side?"

-Dave: "Speaking of pants, let's get to the Cubs convention".

-Dave: "Ed, Begley Jr. is stupid." Ed, Begley Jr.: "C'mon man. I got 9 kids. Just buy something".

-Dave: "I want my old dad back. The one that loved steaks and thought singing was gay. Now I didn't particularly agree on that last point, but I still miss it".

-Alex: "You're all going to jail?!" ESL Teacher: "For teaching an English as a Second Language Class?"

-Max: "This may be a bad time to tell you guys that I have never actually seen The Wire".

-Penny: "What's that on your shirt?" Max: "I don't know Penny. I don't have time to read everything that's stuck onto me".

-Dave: "This where I learned the keyboard. Over there is where I first Mastur- ed the keyboard".

-Little Girl: "Hey, can we wrap this up? I gotta skype with my Nana." Dave: "Can I skype with your Nana?" Little Girl: "What? No!"

-Tyler the Parrot: "All Italians are Mafia. All Italians are Mafia".

-Big Dave: "You lied and let your sister take the rap for 20 years?" Jane: "Yep." Ed: "Eh, I still like you better".

-Ed Begley, Jr.: "Now whose stupid?!"

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