Saturday 14 January 2012

30 Rock: Dance Like Nobody's Watching

What Happened, Yo!:

-Coming back from Winter Break, Jack correctly deduces most of what Liz did over the holidays as he knows her better than she knows herself. Liz Lemon seems happier than usual, which upsets Tracy because it means she's paying less attention to him, which means he's more likely to act crazy. He tries to figure out her secret and deduces that she must be a Crack Whore. Jack assures him that is not the case and based on the clues from Tracy's investigation, they figure out that Liz has been exercising by being a dancer for the WNBA. As Jack drops off Liz at the movies, he predicts that she'll be seeing New Year's Eve alone and will enjoy it, even though she'll came to have seen it ironically. As Liz goes into the theater though, Jack is shocked to see her with a new boyfriend.

-Meanwhile Jenna is the judge people love to hate on NBC's hit new reality show America's Kidz Got Singing!. Jack is happy by the success of the show, but as a new parent he becomes concerned when he witnesses how horrible to the children Jenna really is. He tries to get her to be nice, but that fails miserably. Later, he talks with his baby daughter over whether he should cancel the show and he's going to do it until he mistakes his daughter's first word "Mommy" (Avery is still stuck in North Korea married to Kim Jong-Un) for the word "Money" and decides not to cancel the show after all.

-Also meanwhile, Kenneth's Pastor Gary has predicted that the world will end tomorrow, so Liz and Pete tell Kenneth that if he thinks the world is ending, he should be out living life. Kenneth decides to do his dream chores (which are chores that aren't even his job), but Pete tries to get him to live life, while Frank and the writers try to trick Kenneth into thinking the world really is ending. When the world doesn't end, Pete comforts Kenneth, and takes Kenneth and the writers (who were still trying to trick Kenneth) to the ocean, where Kenneth feels the ocean for the first time.

I Liked This: I miss Community a lot, but I'm happy to have 30 Rock back and the sixth season premiere was all kinds of good. There was the re-establishment of the fact that Jack knows Liz better than she knows herself, which set up for the reveal that this isn't entirely true anymore. There was great use of all the various characters. There was a whole bunch of good Tracy one-liners. There was the return of D'Fwan. Dance Like Nobody's Watching had basically everything that's good about 30 Rock. I was a fan of all the storylines and Jack's scene with his daughter was sweet and funny. I also liked Jenna being the mean judge on America's Kidz Get Talent. Making fun of these types of competitions isn't the newest idea in the world, but Jenna's over-the-top meanness really sold it. And Kenneth's story had a nice ending, with Pete being able to be something more than the creepy sad sack character (though we still saw that side of him with his line about being in love with his wife's twin sister.). I'm also excited to see where Liz's storyline goes, now that we know she has a secret boyfriend. Should be good.

But...: Before the strong ending, Kenneth's storyline was pretty weak, though maybe that's because I was hoping his dream chores would be wackier.

The Bottom Line: Dance Like Nobody's Watching was a great, funny way to start 30 Rock's 6th season. Hopefully, the rest of this season will be as great or greater.

Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

-D'Fwan is listed as a "Style" "Expert".

-Jenna: "Jason, have you ever put out a cigar on Gilbert Gottfried's neck? Because I have and his screams were the worst thing I've ever heard. Until tonight. Congratulations. You're a disgrace".

-Jack got a nice Christmas card from Avery and Kim Jong-un: Death to U.S Imperialist Wolves and Happy Hanukkah.

- Kenneth: "I get to go to heaven and receive my reward: 72 virgin margaritas. Hold the salt".

-Jenna: "When you google Jenna Maroney now, I come up first. Not the Jenna Maroney who electrocuted all those horses". Liz: "Jenna, that was you".

-Tracy: "This has nothing to do with Jenna's success which I'm jealous of..."

-Liz: "You're a 42-Year-Old man". Tracy: “No I'm not. I took a real age test. It said I’m dead.”

-Jack: This thing's a real cash cow, unlike Cash Cow, the failed NBC spinoff of Cash Cab. You try riding a cow through midtown Manhattan, Lemon. The animal will panic".

-Jenna's catchphrase is "Go jump back up your mother".

-Toofer: "We were just out on the plaza and four flaming horses rode by". Kenneth: "Rev. Gary says super-gay horses are one of the signs of the apocalypse".

-Tracy: "I just remembered I started a camp for under-privileged kids last summer. We have to drive upstate to see if any of them are still alive".

-Tracy: "I just got an honorary Sheriff's badge and I'm gonna start making real arrests".

-Tracy: "Did we switch brains? Why aren't I feeling your boobs? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!"

-Jack: "Perhaps we could make even more money by pretending to be nice. I mean, look at Betty White".

-Liz: “My name is Liz. I’m 39 for the third time and my favorite move is Sunset Arms!”

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