Saturday 28 January 2012

Quicky Opinion Time: 30 Rock Edition

Double 30 Rock Night last Thursday. They were both funny and I don't have much more to say about them this week so I'm busting out the old quicky opinion format for this double header. There will be memorable moments after though.

Idiots Are People Three!: Idiots Are People Three! was a solid conclusion to the two-parter started last week. I always love it when Devin Banks stops by the show and his whole story with getting Jack to pull favors to get his triplets into an exclusive preschool, which means his daughter probably won't be able to get in was a good one. I liked how Tracy's story managed to affect most of the other stories, while still being funny. Criss continues to be a good character, and I enjoy how little he cares about what Jack thinks of him. And Kenneth's and Jenna's story ended as ridiculously as it began with Kelsey Grammar causing a distraction by putting on a one-man show as Abraham Lincoln. All-in-all, a great episode. Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

The Ballad of Kenneth Parcell: After the previous great episode this episode was... equally good. I laughed really hard at the trailer for Martin Luther King Day. I enjoyed the explanation for why Liz and Jenna are best friends (Jenna needs someone with nothing going on in their life and Liz needs someone she can vent to, even if they aren't listening) and the reasoning for why Jack needs Kenneth. Hank Hooper is always a treat and Tracy becoming depressed after realizing he has everything was great, especially the ending when he gets the presents he had wanted only to already have them (Not that this upsets him, mind you.). So good double header 30 Rock. Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

-Devon: “That little Tracy Jordan gem I leaked last night was just the tip of the iceberg, Jack, and NBC is the Titanic.” Jack: “The highest grossing movie of all time?” Devon: “The boat. Not the movie! The boat!”

-Tracy speaks for his organization: “Since it's founding earlier this afternoon, the National Association for Zero Intolerance, or NAZI- we should change that." Denise Richards: "It's fine".

-Tracy: "My ringtone is the chicken dance. If I answer it, I won't hear the whole song!"

-Liz sees her mental image as a Princess Leia-esque figure.

-Kenneth: "In school, all you learn about Abraham Lincoln is that he was a gay alcoholic."


-I also enjoyed the return of Cathy Geiss, and NBC's new mascot being a unicorn was great.

-Jack: Our new slogan: NBC: We have a magical horse? is testing...okay.

-Andy Samberg: "What? Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day?" Emma Stone: "Yeah.. and neither of us have dates". Andy Samberg: "Too bad we're just platonic friends".

-Martin Luther King Day: Got MLK?

-Tracy's birthday invitations instruct "Give to charity please. No presents". But what Tracy meant was "Give to charity? Please, no! Presents!"

-Jack has good news and bad news: “The bad news is that I am shutting down the page program. The good news is for a different group of people.”

-Kenneth: “Well then I know about another story that turned out to be true. It’s about a virgin who gave birth to a man who had some funny ideas. That virgin was my sister, and her son Lyle has a learning disability.”

-Amy: “I hate it when they put the movie poster on the cover of the book that the movie is based on.” Liz: “Let me imagine what Peeta Mellark looks like and how his arms smell of bread!”

-Jack: "I was wrong. I do need you". Kenneth: "You had me at 'I was wrong, I do need'".

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