Tuesday 31 January 2012

Five Questions I Have About Alcatraz: Cal Sweeney

Alcatraz is an engaging show that I've been enjoying so far. However, I'm just not sure that I'll be able to come up with interesting things to say about the show every week. So I decided that in lieu of an actual opinion (Though those still may happen from time to time), I'm going to list all the questions I have following the episode (and sometimes, I'll list answers. When that happens.) So let's kick this off with some questions I have about last night's episode Cal Sweeney!

1. Who's Running The Show?: Let's start with the last scene. The warden leads Sweeney's cell mate (By the way, the twist that his cell mate was behind the stealing of his box was a great one) to a mysterious room in the prison that takes three special keys (more on that in a second) to open. He tells him that his future is about to get a whole lot better before sending him in to meet a mysterious figure. Hmm... Of course, we don't know that this figure is connected to the return of the 63's, but even if he (She? It?) isn't, something is going on in the past and it's interesting. And that last scene raises another question.

2. How Involved Is The Warden?: From what we know about the warden, he can be a very cruel man. He's also rather corrupt and E.B Tiller mentioned last night that the warden lets a lot of things get past him in the prison, like Sweeney's trading operation. And if the mystery person (?) running things is in league with the warden, does the warden know the full extent of what's going on? Of course, we know the warden died years ago (right?) but he could still be involved. Again, it should be interesting to see.

3. What's with the Laser Cut Keys?: This is a curious one. So far, two of the Alcatraz prisoners have been found with laser-cut keys. However, as Hauser's think tank has pointed out, keys weren't cut that way until long after Alcatraz was closed. So is this just a strange anomaly? Or is there a higher reason? Mysteries, mysteries.

4. What Does Hauser Really Know?: I liked the way that Hauser tells Rebecca he'll tell her what the key opens, only to just tell her "some other time" after he got the key. I also liked the way it was revealed that Hauser has no clue what the key opens or why it's significant. Which raises the question: what does Hauser actually know? Is he aware that Lucy and Dr. Beauregard are from the past? Obviously he knows a few things, but maybe the head of the operation is only a couple steps ahead of our characters. Maybe, there's a lot he doesn't know. Or maybe I'm just over-analyzing this whole thing. Either way, colour me intrigued.

5. Memory Experiments?: At the dinner party, Lucy talks about her plans to remove memories from inmates to see what effect it would have on their behaviour (On an unrelated note, I am liking that her character is still comatose from that serious injury she suffered in episode 2. It's realistic.). I don't think that those experiments are connected to what's going on, but I can't help but feel that we'll hear more about this down the road. It seems too curious to just be a throwaway line used to anger the eavesdropping inmates.

And that's it for now. Next week should be interesting as the person returning is one of the guards. We'll talk about it then.

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