Monday 9 January 2012

Memorable Moments: The Simpsons: Politically Inept, With Homer Simpson

Quicky Opinion: Politically Inept, With Homer Simpson wasn't as strong as the last couple episodes of this season had been, but it still had plenty of good moments. The idea of Homer as political pungent was great, and worked well for the most part. And while the last few minutes of the episode fell a little flat, I liked the twist with the fake dream. All in all, this was a good way for Simpsons to start the new year. Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Memorable Moments

-Homer: "The only things I wait in line this long for are slightly better cellphones".

-Why are the Simpsons going to a wedding? Marge: "Cousin Cathy invited us so our feelings won't be hurt and we're going so HER feelings won't be hurt." Homer: "I just don't understand the world of grown-ups".

-Homer: "Don't argue in front of the airport line. Strangers are judging are marriage!"

-Bart: "Lisa, do you really need all these Kurt Vonnegut novels?" Lisa: "They self-reference each other!"

-Homer: "Marge, do we really need all these (lowers his voice) feminine products?" Marge: "That's toothpaste!"

-TSA Lady: "True patriots breastfeed".

-Pilot: "We're going to be turning off the air, but ethnic people are permitted to open and eat their homecooked food."

-Pilot (After 7 Hours): "Good news folks. We've been cleared to taxi back to the terminal. You still can't get off but you will be able to look through the window and see other people walking around and making fun of us. Still no word on take-off."

-Stewardess: "Sir, please return to your seat". Homer: "But I have to go to the bathroom!" Stewardess: "You should've thought about that before you drank the fluids you need to live".

-Homer: "All I want is what everybody wants: preferential treatment!"

-Homer (While being beaten by TSA Agents): "I regret nothing!... except this part.

-Bart: "Post to YouTube with the following keywords: Fat, Stupid, Classic Simpsons, and just to be safe: Baby Rides Kitten Rides Penguin".

-Homer: "What gave me away?" Apu: "Well, the Hot Dogs spin counter-clockwise in fear whenever you're here, sir".

-Homer: “The quiet Homer Simpson that kept it all bottled up inside is dead. This is the birth of Homer Simpson: blowhard!”

-Homer: "Woohoo! I'm famous again!" Nash Castor: "Yes, your video's been mashed up, autotuned, Phillipined Prisonered, and occasionally watched.

-Things seen on the Headbutt News Ticker include: Rick Perry Mistakenly Signs Order To Execute Himself. Obama Calls Mulligan on First Term, Europe Puts Greece on Ebay, Steve Jobs Unveils iGhost, Congress Delays End of the World To 2013, and Biden To Republican Candidates: "Compared To You, Me Am Smart".

-Bart: "From now on, when someone asks me, I'm going to say you ARE my father". Homer: "Aw, son. Now I regret bad mouthing you to that girl you like".

-The network's Liberal Strawman sings a song to If I Only Had A Brain: "Oh, the plain and simple fact is: I'd like to raise your taxes and make your children gay".

-Marge: "How can you speak about your audience that way?" Executive: "Well what you do is you think of a derogatory term and then you think opf another word that starts with the same letter".

-Homer's book: America: Love It Or I'll Punch You. 36 Pgs including Index. It also has a book on tape version read by Lenny.

-Homer: "It's already happening people. Hoard your toilet paper. Shoot the mailman! Shoot the mailman."

-Karl: "Is it a little weird how much he cries?" Lenny: "No way. When a guy who loves America cries, that makes him super straight".

-To make a Homer Simpson Halloween mask, they just painted Shrek's face yellow.

-Right after Homer tells the children they've never seen him cry before, he bursts into tears when he finds out there's no more gravy.

-Homer: “They know I’m doing a character. Like Stephen Colbert or Newt Gingrich.”

-Homer: "I have something very American to show you. Follow me. (He walks right into the camera). Death to America! I mean- over here."

-Homer: "When March Madness spills over into April, that's the gravy. When someone messes with you and you invade the country that did it, and another one, that's the gravy. When you stick your flag in the moon and say 'Now, we're done trying!', that's the gravy! So get on the boat- the Gravy Boat! Good night, and good gravy!"

-Lisa: "What's the Gravy Boat?" Homer: "Just an innocuous little symbol, like a smiley face, or... an IOU".

-Protest signs include "Occupy Springfield: And Stay For The Garlic Festival" and a burning sign calling to
"Cut Pay for Firemen".

-Kent Brockman: “The gravy boat movement is spreading across the nation like a rumor about some kid and someone’s mom hooking up in a high school.”

-“Now Lisa, I'm an entertainer. And you can’t entertain and inform at the same time. And if you’re Access Hollywood, you do neither.”

-Springfield Republican Headquarters: We Win in 2012 Or Your Money Back.

-Homer: "Maybe I'll vote Democrat. The great thing is when they get in, they act like Republicans".

-Lisa: "You're endorsing Ted Nugent for President? He's a right wing Rock Star who likes everything I hate!" Bart: "Could there be anyone awesomer?"

-James Madison: "Rise Homer Simpson." Homer: "Aah! Mozart!"

-James Madison: "Now come, and I shall teach you of Democracy". Homer: "Can we get some pizza on the way?" James Madison: "Everything's closed". Homer: They sell some at the gas station." James Madison: "I don't want gas station pizza!"

-Homer: "So, how come your pictures not on money". James Madison: "Actually, I'm on the 5000 Dollar bill." Homer: "Do you give those out to fans, because I'm a fan!"

James Madison: "You are an embarassment to the aristocratic slave holders who forged this mighty nation!"

Homer: "No, no, John hancock. I don't need any insurance. Sam Adams?! i'm sorry I made fun of your winter ale".

-James Madison Look-Alike: Great for Birthday Parties, Field Trips, Fake Dreams.

-Bart: "I did it just to mess with your mind". Homer: "That's what a Play within a Play is for!" Marge: No stranglings on school days!"

Homer: "Well, if there's one thing I don't like being taught, it's a lesson!"

Homer: "The words 'Strutting Stadium Rocker" are overused a lot these days".

Homer: "My lips will say anything, but my eyes know the truth! My ears are keeping their mouth shut".

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