Monday 16 January 2012

Memorable Moments: The Simpsons: The D'oh-cial Network

Quicky Opinion: The D'oh-cial Network wasn't the best episode of this season, but it still brought the laughs to the table. I was glad to see it was more targeting Facebook than The Social Network, as a complete parody of that movie would feel pretty dated at this point. I liked the framing device that the whole story was set around and the general plot. But, you would think The Simpsons would be able to come up with more material for a show targeting Facebook. There were two filler segments at the end, for crying out loud (Though those were both pretty funny). So not The Simpsons best effort this season, but still one with plenty of funny moments. Quicky Grade: Enjoyable Enough (Pretty Good)

Memorable Moments

-Chalkboard: We Do Need No Education

-The Couch Gag with the family rushing to make an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman was quite enjoyable.

-Blue-Haired Lawyer: "Lisa Simpson, your actions have brought devastation upon this town. And all because of your selfish desire to be accepted by others".

-Homer: "Leave her alone! That's my only talking daughter!"

-Blue-Haired Lawyer: "Your honor, I would like to request that everyone in the court in their minds picture what the witness is describing". Judge Snyder: "I'll allow it. But no flights of fancy".

-Lisa: "Like all too many stories about my family, it began with somebody watching television".

-Marge: "Homie, stop watching the movie in the other people's car". Homer: " Ooh, but I'm invested in the characters!"

-Homer: "Marge, if you were married to Da Vinci, you wouldn't tell him not to Da Vinch".

-Stores in the new mall include Nothing Under A Thousand, Nouveau Bitch, and Banana Dictatorship.

-Lisa: "I kinda just want to create my own thing. Do you sell any plain sets?" Blocko Store Clerk: "No. We do all the imagining for you". Lisa: "Eh, well I'll just buy one of these and build something different". Blocko Store Clerk: "You do and you better build yourself a lawyer".

-Blue-Haired Lawyer: "Ms. Simpson, does the court really need to hear everything that happened in every store your family visited?" Lisa: "Trust me, I've left a lot out and cleaned up the swears".

-Mapple Store Clerk: "Yep, the lightest, most desirable computer in the world- for the next three weeks- The Mapple Void".

-Homer: "I'll take it, provided you charge me for services Google offers for free". Mapple Store Clerk: "I already have". Homer: "Suh-weet".

-Homer downloading The Complete Works of Shakespeare was a funny joke made funnier with him flexing and saying "Now, who's the greatest writer of all time?"

-The entire sequence which follows after Bart advises Lisa not to use the word conundrum, only to get overheard by Jimbo, beaten up by Jimbo, gets out of the situation when Martin Prince becomes a better target, and helps Jimbo beat up Martin was great.

-Ralph likes ice cream as food and a pillow.

-Lisa: "What if I started an online meeting place where all are equal and I am the undisputed centre?"

-Lisa: "Since I had no friends, I assembled a motley crew of the friendless to help put together my social network. Did we become friends? No."

-Springfield Elementary Computer Lab: Proud Home of the Commodore 64"

-Nelson: "The only way I would be your friend is if I could click a box under a picture saying Accept Friendship Request From.

-Jimbo: "I just got invited to make out with Shauna. See?" Dolph: "That went out to 200 guys". Jimbo: "Aw." Dolph: "And 7 girls". Jimbo: "Ahh."

-Ralph: "All my friends have birthdays this year".

-Skinner: "Doggone it. I'm less popular than the hornet's nest in the gym". Chalmers: "You said you were getting rid of that nest. Skinner: "Uhm, We trade the honey for chalk and yard sticks". Chalmers: "Hornets make honey?" Skinner: "Better than Wasp honey. Not as good as Bee". Chalmers: "Is this how you talk on dates?" Skinner: "I wish my dates were this interesting".

-Lisa: "I have 1000 friends! And only 8 of them are Milhouse!" Bart: "1000 kids? If you got each of them to send you a dollar, you'd be a millionaire!"

-Lisa: "I created something popular!" Homer: "And I created something that created something popular!" Abe: "And I created an alcoholic hippo!" Homer: "You never showed it to me!" Abe: "A stupid alcoholic hippo." Homer: "I still wanna see it". Abe: "There is no Hippo!" Homer: Then why did you say it?" Abe: "Because you're the hippo!" Homer: "Are you just saying that because you don't want me to see the hippo?" Abe: "I don't have a hippo!"

-Part of Homer's drunk SpringFace message to Marge: "...Counting the moments to closing time until I can stumble home to you. Another round Moe. Uh-oh. Did I type that? Delete! Delete! Hmm, typing delete does not delete."

-Lenny: "Uh-oh. Bernice Hibbert keeps liking Bumblebee Man's posts. That's how it staarts".

-Lisa: "Friend, friend, awaiting reply, friend".

-Lisa: "I have 1000 friends and I feel more alone than ever". Ralph on Playground Spinny Thing: "Wee!" Lisa: "I am trying to set a mood here". Ralph: "Wee..."

-I appreciated the joke about Ask Jeeves.

-Blue Haired Lawyer (Apparently also known as Burn's Lawyer): "And so Springface became too big to control. Just like the 60 ft. baby in my self-published novel: The 60 Ft. Baby. Order it online now while you can still cheat the Government on sale's tax."

-Lenny: "I don't know how to use the phone on my phone".

-Lisa: "I had a friend in common with Malcolm Gladwell!" Blue-Haired Lawyer: "He friends everybody".

-Bart: "We don't need your crummy website. We can make anything into guns".

-Janey: "Lisa, Lisa! Wanna play Marco Polo with us? We just realized you don't have to play in a pool!"

-End Captions: Principal Skinner Was Convicted of Selling Hornet Honey as Bee Honey. Mr. Burns received a payment of $35 Million Dollars even though he didn't do anything. Groundskeeper Willie was not in this episode. Lisa learned that it's not how many SpringFace friends you have, what matters is how many followers you have on SpringTwit. Kearney's Avatar died in Vietnam.

-The end thing with Patty and Selma against the Winklevoss Twins (Voiced by Armie Hammer) was also great.

-So was The Simpson's Show's Too Short Story. Especially Skinner's moral getting undercut by another Bart prank.

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