Sunday 22 January 2012

30 Rock: Idiots Are People Two!

-Kelsey Grammar approaches Liz to tell her something is wrong with Pete. Liz goes to find Pete and finds him unconscious, with a plastic bag around his head, a belt around his neck, his pant pulled down, and a suggestive magazine on his lap. As he wakes up, he wonders what has happened. That's when we flashback 8 hours earlier.

-8 hours earlier, Liz is having breakfast with her new boyfriend Criss, when she sees on the news that Tracy has been involved in a offensive rant against the Gay Community. When she gets to work, she sees protestors around. After confronting Tracy, she agrees to issue an apology for him. But when she calls him an idiot in his apology and puts that out as the reason he said his rant, Tracy gets offended and so he organizes all the idiots to protest NBC. Soon a whole new protest (With people including Denise Richards) has begun. When Jack informs Liz that idiots are most of TGS' audience, she realizes she has to fix the situation. But she soon finds she has other, more pressing problems.

-Around the same time as the whole rant thing, Jack confronts Liz about her new boyfriend, which she hasn't told him about. Liz says she hasn't told Jack about Criss, because she knew he wouldn't approve of him for various reasons. Jack confirms this and tells her that the only way he would think of approving him would be if he met Criss. Liz won't let this happen, but as she eats lunch with him later, she keeps seeing Jack pointing out his flaws. She later begs Jack to give Criss his approval, but Jack won't. Later though, she learns from Criss that someone has given him a check to fund his hot dog food truck he had been wanting to start. She is happy
about this until she realizes the check was from Jack.

-Meanwhile, the janitor, angry over Tracy's rant, refuses to change the fluorescent light bulbs in Jenna's dressing room. Kenneth and Jenna sneak into the supply closet to get some but Kenneth accidentally breaks them. Kenneth panics because there's the danger of mercury gas being released, but Jenna calms him down and they leave to clean up the scene. But while they're gone, Pete sneaks in after downing liquor and sleeping pills to take a nap. When they come back and see him passed out, they panic, and Jenna calls in the oner person who can fix this: Kelsey Grammar.

-To Be Continued

I Liked This: Idiots Are People Two! was a good start to the first two-parter of 30 Rock's 6th season. I liked how they chose to handle Tracy Morgan's offensive rant, by shifting the focus from the gay community to the idiot community, which is a much better target for this show. Tracy's rant was funny, without actually being offensive (Though it was perhaps too mild) and the idea of him rallying all the idiots to protest NBC is a good one. I hope to see even more of this protest next week. Jack and Liz's story was a good one too, and one could see why Liz may not want Jack to meet her latest boyfriend. Jack's meddling has promise and it should be interesting to see how this is followed up on next week. And Jenna and Kenneth prove once again to be a good combination, and I'm looking forward to their full reunion with Kelsey Grammar.

But...: I'm aware this is a two-part episode, but I wish we had gotten more of Tracy's protest, and Jenna and Kenneth's dilemma. They were good stories, but by the end, I was left feeling like they were just set-up for the real stories.

The Bottom Line: Idiots Are People Two! was a solid second episode of the season and has me excited for next week's conclusion.

Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Memorable Moments

-Liz: "Why did you have to offend the gay community? It is the most organized of all the communities. They make the Japanese look like the Greeks!"

-Tracy's Rant: "Being gay is stupid! If you wanna see a Penis, take off your pants! If I got turned into a gay, I'd sit around all day and look at my own junk".

-Liz: "Now I'm heading home for a nooner, which is what I call having pancakes for lunch."

-Tracy: “How dare you? I am nonplussed. And that is the correct usage.”

-Tracy's idiot group decides to misremember movie quotes, like from Braveheart. Tracy: "You can take our freedom, unless you take our lives!"

-Jenna: “Imagine what the Internet would do with this. Maroney found in closet with unconscious married man and inbred virgin…again.”

-Kelsey Grammar: "I'm on my way. Any idea what bus I take to get there... cuz' I'm in Chinatown baby." 

-Kenneth: "They'd kick me out of the page program faster than a fella can come up with folksy similes".

-Tracy's answering machine was the most over-the-top hilarious joke in the episode: "Hi, this is Tracy's cellphone. Dotcom, hold the steering wheel. I gotta leave my outgoing message. THUMP. What'd I just hit? Was that a person?! Is that paint or blood? Dotcom, this did not happen! We take this to our GRAVE!!!"

-Liz's extension spells ANIS.

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