Monday 12 March 2012

Memorable Moments: Bob's Burgers: The Belchies

Bob's Burgers was a pleasant surprise when it debuted last spring. Here was a animated show on Fox that wasn't made by Seth McFarland (who pretty much controls Fox's Sunday line-up, except for The Simpsons) and one that was also really clever, quirky, and most of all, funny. So I was glad that the show got a season 2 pick-up and plan on talking about the show as often as I can. So let's get started.

Quicky Opinion: Last night's season premiere, The Belchies was a good episode for the second season to start out on. It featured plenty of the Belcher children, who are all comic assets to the show, each in their own way and plenty of weirdness, as they looked for treasure beneath a taffy factory and Louise found a wise, inanimate taffy-shaped man. They even had the requisite sweetness with Louise realizing she'd been too hard on her siblings. Bob and Linda's subplot about their sex night was funny too and I liked the pay-off at the end when Taff landed on an "enhanced" Bob. All-in-all, a good start for what should be a great season of Bob's Burgers. Quicky Grade: 80% (Great)

Memorable Moments

-Bob's Burgers has it's own version of the couch gag by having the restaurant be next to a different wacky business every title sequence. This week we get Uncle Marty's Breast Pumps.

-Tina and Gene have high hopes for the treasure Gene is digging up. Tina: "Maybe it's some tinfoil and we can recycle it." Gene: "Maybe it's a shovel and I won't have to dig with my hands".

-Teddy: "Bobby, wanna come over and watch the game tonight? I'm making 3-bean salad, but it's bring your own bean. Can I put you down for Garbanzo?"

-Burger of the Week: I Am Mad About Saffron (Made With No Saffron)

-Teddy: "Whoops, there I go again, divulging amazing secrets."

-Bob: "Your Uncle Patty was a maid?" Teddy: "All maids were men back then. Until women joined the workforce and took all the maid jobs away."

-Teddy: "Caffrey didn't make his money from candy though. He was a bootlegger." Gene: "I believe the term is Legwarmer." Teddy: "No it is not, Gene."

-Gene: "China. Stick to noodles, right? Is that racist?" Bob: "Yes." Teddy: "A little bit." Gene: "No."

-Louise: "Kids only meeting, now." Tina: "I'll get Mom." Louise: "No Ti- Tina, kids!"

-Louise: "You guys in? We doing this?" Tina: "I could move some things around." Gene: "Let's find butt treasure!"

-Linda: "I'm gonna sleep like a baby. (leans in close to Bob and whispers) A horny baby."

-Ollie: "I got a funcussion!"

-Gene: "I can taste every flavour from the past 60 years. I can taste the Korean war!" Andy: "I can taste rust!" Ollie: "I taste Andy's spit."

-Bob keeps having problems with the sexy die. "I got lick foot again."

-Tina's Diary: "Dear diary, tonight we're sneaking into the dangerous Taffy Factory. Also, if boys had uteruses, they'd be called dudeureses." Bob: "Heh, duderuses."

-Tina: "Brr, it sure is cold in here. I wish some strong chivalrous man would lend me their coat. Or pants. (Gene throws his pants at her.) Ow." Gene: Wash them before you return them."

-Gene: "Tina, honey, it's pretty obvious that Jimmy Jr. is not into you. And I'm usually not that good at picking up vibes. Did you know Mom and Dad were a thing?"

-Linda: "That thing (Bob's penis) made the kids. Maybe it can find the kids. Where are they? C'mon where are they? Show me girl." Bob: "Wait, why is it a girl?" Linda: "Because it's a pretty brunette, like Catherine Zeta-Jones.

-Louise: "OK, nothing to get freaked about. My arm's not stuck in a crevasse, so I don't need to cut it off, like that impatient idiot."

-Gene: "I just cannot stop banging things down here. The acoustics are great!"

-Louise to Taff: "Just you and me now. A girl and her taffy giant. Classic."

-Gene: "How did you find us?" Bob: "Be- because we're your parents and we know everything." Tina: "Did you read my diary?" Bob: "...Yes."

-Linda: "How's your penis?" Bob: "It's OK." Gene: "Mine's a nightmare, in case anyone's wondering."

-Louise: "Don't look at me with your judgmental hollow eye holes!"

-Ollie: "I just peed Andy's pants." Andy: "Warm, warm, warm, cold."

-Construction Worker: "Hey, so my friend had a 3-Bean Salad party, but it was bring your own bean. Who does that?" Great callback gag.

-Bob: "We're about to die Louise! Do you really want your last words to be sarcastic?" Louise (Sarcastically): "Nooo."

-Zeke: "I got it. Let's all spit in the pit and then she can swim to safety!"

-Tina: "No, it'll work. I saw Jimmy Jr. and Zeke do it at wrestling practice." Zeke: "Hey, those practices are closed!" Tina: "I'm aware of that Zeke. I'm the reason they're closed."

-Bob: "What is that?" Louise: "This is Taff. He's a booby-trap that became much more than that."

-Tina: "Just when I think I'm out, those cheeks pull me right back in."

-Louise: "And Gene, you actually banged us to freedom." Gene: "I can't take all the credit. I'd like to thank this brick and ?uestlove."

-Louise: "I'm sorry I was mean to you guys." Gene: "Eh, I just figured you were having female troubles. (whispered to Tina) What are female troubles?

-Louise: "And Taff, what are the words? I love you. You're gonna live with me now." Linda: "You're not taking that filthy thing home." Louise: "Yeah, you're right." (Throws Taff aside.)

-Modified version of The Goonies 'R' Good Enough: "Teddy was right about the treasure in.. the butt. The next day, you will see Taff is washed up on the beach and- oh my God, is that a gold bar. The wave just washed him out. The.. kids didn't look close enough in the taffy butt. You have a taffy butt. There's treasure in thaat butt. I want that taffy butt. Whyeieiyah! Taffy butt! It's such a taffy butt!  There's gold there in that butt..."

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