Tuesday 6 March 2012

Cougar Town Full Moon Fever

What Happened, Yo!:

-The cul-de-sac is being terrorized by a group of kids who zip through it on their way to the new mall that just opened behind the neighborhood. Andy is hoping to stop them, as he sees himself as the king of the neighborhood, but Jules quickly takes the title of king from him, and gets the rest of the crew to back her up. She tries making a fake policeman to scare off the kids, but Andy exposes it as fake. She comes up with a plan to stop the kids again and gets Andy back for foiling her first plan (and spraying her with water), causing Andy to concede the title to her, but he doesn't leave before giving a speech about how he's never in charge of anything. Andy sinks into a slump and Laurie convinces Jules that she needs to lift him up and make him feel like king. She talks Andy into helping her stop those kids and he talks her into letting him do a Braveheart homage. They trick the kids into going into a sand trap (and when the cops show up because kids get hurt, they get away with being charged because the kids were trespassing) and Andy feels validated as king of the neighborhood.

-Meanwhile Travis is cheating on a photography assignment of taking photos of a stranger in their environment by taking pictures of Bobby (his helmet makes it impossible to do the assignment correctly, because people notice him and call him things like Dork Vader.). His teacher Angie really likes the photos, and when Bobby catches a glimpse of Angie, he falls for her and wants Travis to set him up with her. Travis doesn't want to because he'll be caught cheating and Bobby tells Travis he won't go after his teacher, but he is definitely broken up about it. Grayson points out to Travis that this is the first time in a long time that Bobby has liked someone this much, which convinces Travis to introduce Bobby and Angie (who has been finding herself attracted to the Bobby she sees in the photos.). They both see each other and smile, and the story is left to continue next week.

-Also meanwhile, Laurie tries to prove that sending a naked photo of herself online will cause good things to happen to her by sending it to an army guy in Afghanistan whose been tweeting her. She strikes up a relationship with the guy (even though she barely knows anything about him, including his race) and it quickly becomes serious. Ellie and Grayson mock it and Ellie refuses to see it as a real relationship, until herself and Grayson recite a series of tweets between Laurie and Wade and see how much they care for each other, despite not knowing much about each other. This convinces them to support the relationship.

I Liked This: Full Moon Fever was once again, a splendid episode of Cougar Town. The show is truly on a roll right now and hopefully it won't let up anytime soon. As I've previously mentioned, I'm a big fan of Scrubs so I was excited when I heard Sarah Chalke would be doing an arc as Angie, Travis' photography teacher and Bobby's new love interest. Angie didn't show up that much tonight, as this episode was setting up her as a love interest for Bobby, but she made the most of her limited screen time tonight. Her saying things she wanted to do to Bobby in french, only to find out that Travis knew a bit of french was great. Bobby also had some great stuff this week (his proper usage of the word "idealization" was a highlight.) and I'm excited to see what will happen to his character through these next few episodes.

As for the other stuff, Jules and Andy (One of the more underused combination of characters on the show) also had some great stuff tonight as they clashed against each other and the bicycle gang. The big homage to Braveheart at the end was great, and Ian Gomez was fantastic channeling his inner William Wallace as the crew made their big stand. And Laurie stumbling her way into a new serious relationship was a slight plot this week, but it led to good laughs whenever it had screentime and Laurie and Grayson's recitation of a twitter conversation between Laurie and Wade that started off like they thought it would and ended in a way that sold the two of them on their relationship was probably the best scene of the night (Though the Braveheart scene is a very close second.). And finally, wine fountain! I really hope that comes back because it's a great joke.

But...: No real issues with the episode this week.

The Bottom Line: Full Moon Fever was another great episode of Cougar Town that kept the laughs coming and also had Sarah Chalke and a Braveheart homage to boot. Rock on, Cougar Town. Rock on.

Grade: 85% (Great)

Memorable Moments 

-Andy: "Great, they're grossed out by the thought of us naked." Ellie: "Not 'us', my friend."

-Welcome to Cougar Town. Your name isn't that great either.

-Tom: "The Bicycle Boys are bad news Jules. They write 'Don't' on the Stop Signs, they call anybody over twenty Grandpa. They... made my garden gnomes gay." (Cut to kissing garden gnomes) Jules: "Heh, actually that was me, Tom."

-Jules: "Kings didn't build the Pyramids, slaves did... Or aliens."

-Grayson after trying to get Bobby to purse his lips for the photos: "What? It's- it's what we did when I was an underwear model for Montgomery Ward." Bobby: "You just tried to slip that one in there, didn't ya?" Grayson: "There are two types of underwear models: front guys and butt guys. I was both." Travis: "He said proudly."

-Laurie: "The whole world saw Paris Hilton's "Bert's" and "Ernie's" and now she's rich!" Grayson: "Yeah, and now she's rich." Laurie: "Jules put naked pictures of herself online." Jules: "That was an accident. Apparently anyone can call themselves an online dermatologist. Now I have Ellie check my downstairs moles."

-Angie to Travis: "Look at me... wow, it's not easy having an honest moment with a kid wearing a helmet. I'll push through."

-The Green Screen makes a triumphant return tonight! Good to see.

-Jules: "Do you really wanna see a middle-aged woman pee in the middle of the street? Yeah, I'd wanna see that too."

-Laurie: "Guess what? ... The army guy and I stayed up all night tweeting and now we're dating. It's actually pretty serious." Grayson: "It's healthy when things move that fast."

-Laurie: "I wonder what he looks like. I hope if he's black, he's super black. Dark black is hot. Is that racist?" (Grayson and Ellie huddle for a second.) Grayson: "No, but it makes us uncomfortable."

-Bobby: "I mean, haven't you ever felt an instant connection with someone you just met?" Ellie: "Never." Grayson: "Once..." Laurie: "Several times a week."

-Penny Can also makes a triumphant return tonight. This time with a new thing to say when clean-up time comes. "Penny Pick-up!"

-Andy: "You win. You're king of the neighborhood." Jules: "Andy, please don't do that thing where you turn something small into something serious. I'm begging you." Andy: "I never get to be in charge of anything in my life!" Jules: "And here we go."

-Andy: "My heart feels like your sad face." Bobby: "My face feels like your sad eyes."

-Bobby: "Look, I know the way I feel about this woman is classic idealization. (Everyone looks up) Surprised I know what idealization means?" Everyone: "Yeah." Bobby: "Me too. I have no idea how it got in there."

-Ellie about Wade's photo: "He looks sweet. He's naked, but still sweet."

-Jules: "Is Braveheart a movie?" Grayson: "He's a famous Indian Chief." Jules: "I knew it!" Once again, Jules lack of knowledge about movies is a great source for laughs.

-Tom: "You put wine in my fountain?" Jules: "You're welcome." Tom: "But it looks like a fountain of blood. People are going to think I'm creepy." Ellie: "I think the ship's sailed on that one big guy."

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