Friday 9 March 2012

The Office: Last Day In Florida

What Happened, Yo!:

-Jim, Robert, Nellie, and Dwight are playing a round of golf before Jim leaves town and Dwight and Nellie head off to present their plan to the board. And Dwight is thrilled about this. But Robert confides to Jim that the store won't work because Sabre's product line is cheap and intuitive so he plans to tank it at the meeting, and he implies Dwight will be fired. Jim tries to warn Dwight before it happens, but Dwight won't let Jim say anything, so Jim just leaves. But after talking to Pam, Jim knows he can't let Dwight be fired without trying his hardest. He runs into Dwight right before his meeting and tells him the truth about the Sabre Store, but Dwight writes it off as a prank so Jim has to tackle him. The two start roughing around, while Nellie makes Todd Pakcer the VP because Dwight has yet to show up to the meeting. Dwight battles Jim to the point of exhaustian, before finally making it to the meeting where he witnesses Robert trashing the store, and Nellie pinning the whole thing on VP Packer, who is promptly fired. Dwight sneaks out before he is seen and helps Jim back up.

-Meanwhile, Erin has got a job holding the old lady from last episode and tells Andy in a video call that she won't be coming back to Scranton. Andy is the only one really upset about this, and learns that everyone else knew about it because Ryan told them. When Jim, Dwight and Stanley return to Scranton, he witnesses Pam passionately kiss Jim and decides he's going to Florida to get Erin back. About time, buddy.

-Also meanwhile, Daryl is selling cookies for his daughter in the office, but Toby begins doing that too. Daryl lets Toby sell to everyone except accounting, because Kevin is the only one who matters, but Toby catches on and protests. Kevin agrees to let them try to woo him, but he takes it too far and they both decide it isn't worth it, leaving Kevin to beg and try to get them to sell to him again.

I Liked This: Last Day in Florida was a good way to end this chapter of The Office's eighth season, largely because it had one of the more compelling Jim/Dwight stories in a while. As much as Jim dislikes Dwight, at the end of the day he isn't going to stand by and let him get fired. The moment Jim and Dwight start kind of fighting in the hallway (And after eight seasons, it's surprising that this hasn't happened before) and Todd Packer becomes VP, you know where the rest of the episode is heading, but it doesn't make it any less enjoyable to watch.The entire fight sequence between Jim and Dwight is the comic highlight of the episode (Though the return of normal Stanley was very funny), but it's also really compelling and a good moment for these two characters. When Dwight offers Jim a hand back up at the end, you know they're probably not going to turn into the best of friends, but their relationship could very well go into a more positive direction after this. Also Nellie's willingness to throw Todd Packer under the bus to save her job makes me think that she's finally becoming a character instead of a wacky plot device (Hey being cutthroat counts as a character trait).. And I am not sorry to see Todd Packer go, as I was never a big fan of the character. As for the other stuff, it looks like Erin and Andy's really overdone will they/won't they story is finally coming to an end and I'm glad to see it. Assuming they finally get together in the next episode, the show can finally move on to better storylines.

But...: The story with Toby and Daryl trying to sell cookies to Kevin was pretty weak and the first joke of the episode was just an extended version of that joke way back in season 4 when Michael accidentally implies that Meredith is dead through his poor phrasing.

The Bottom Line: Last Day In Florida ends the Sabre Store story on a high note, as Jim and Dwight's relatinship takes a neat turn and Dwight's hopes at better things come to an end for now. Plus no more Todd Packer (Hopefully.).

Grade: 83% (Great)

Memorable Moments

-The whole opening with Dwight's treasure and a poison (?) dart was pretty cartoonish, but it was funny so I'll let it slide.

-Oscar: "Obviously he wants us to obsess about it. There's nothing in there... which is obviously what he would want us to think, making it the perfect place to hide a treasure! Oh God, I'm Wallace Shaun in The Princess Bride."

-Suggestions for what the treasure could be include: Schrute Bones, Star Wars Stuff, Nudie Mags, Rosebud-Type Scenario, Photo With Our Toothbrushes Up His Butt, Actual Gold, and Trap. One of these things actually turned out to be right.

-Dwight: "Well Mr. Ball, it's been a pleasure. Now, give my regards... TO HELL!!! Gah!"

-Nellie making up fake British cultural references was pretty funny. "I just made you look like the Goat of Dover... and that doesn't exist either."

-Dwight: "You think you're excited, you should feel my nipples."

Daryl: "All I need is Kevin. Dude buys more cookies than everyone combined. And then some. When I first started selling cookies, he was a relatively thin man. Not a thin man, mind you. Relatively thin.

-Kevin: "Oh the spring time thinks that it's the best. And fall time thinks that it's the best. Cold time has kind of a strut and Valentine's thinks that it's the best. But gather round peeps, I'll tell you the truth: nothing beats the cookie season, that's the truth."

-Dwight: "Well, Jim, I just want to say that we haven't always got along, and at times I've even hated your guts, but...... bye-bye. I win."

-Robert: "The Sabre Store would work if we adopted the carnival's model of leaving town once everybody's wise to us."

-So Kathy also stays in Florida as part of the project? Just as well. They pretty much wasted the character. I can only assume she got fired with Packer.

-Jim: "Can I just talk to you for one quick second?" Dwight: "What? Your stylist ran out of messy spray?"

-Dwight: "You wanna do something for my own good? Turn around, walk out that door, do not stop until you get back to Scranton, find my cell phone charger, mail it back to me and then go to hell!"

-Jim: "He's like Super Dwight. It's like he's been bit by a radioactive Dwight or some- Stanley, back me up." Stanley: "Don't talk to me." Jim: "Stanley's very upset that we're leaving Florida but he'd back me up."

-Daryl: "You think people are gonna buy cookies from my... chubby daughter?"

-Daryl covers his tracks: "Baby, if you're watching this: you're not chubby, you're beautiful. Daddy's just gotta sell some cookies.. And we're also gonna excercise more. It's gonna be fun." Way to recognize the format, Office!

-Dwight: "I keep throwing you away, you keep flying back. You're like an Amish return stick."

-Andy: "I'm going to Florida to get Erin!" This was a good moment or urgency, which was almost immediately undercut by Andy racing back to close his e-mail.

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