Wednesday 21 March 2012

Cougar Town: Something Big

(Note: Due to a time crunch, I am omitting the recap for this week. But don't worry recap lovers, it'll be back next time.)

I Like This: In a way, Something Big is a sequel to last season's two-part Hawaii episode, Something Good Coming. While the Cul De Sac crew is back home this time around, two of the major elements of Something Good Coming (Jules and Grayson dealing with Jules not wanting more kids and Laurie using her relationship with Travis to get him to come back home) return tonight in Something Big, a swell episode that brings a intriguing new element to the show in the form of Tampa, Graysons daughter. This creates an interesting conflict between Jules and Grayson, which drives the episode in an interesting way. I'm glad that the writers didn't forget about Grayson's sleeping with younger women, which was a big part of his character for much of season 1. Mom Holly is an interesting character and it's funny that she's friends with Laurie. Of course she is. And I liked the conclusion with Jules accepting the presence of Tampa, which was sweet. Also sweet was the Travis and Laurie plot. I liked Travis' speech about not being able to let himself get that flirtatious with her again and him ultimately taking part in the big step dance at the end to show that he'll never stop trying to make Laurie smile, even if things have changed was very funny and sweet. There were plenty of laughs to be had this week too, which is always nice.

But: Ellie and Bobby's story was the weakest of the night (Though still funny), and wasn't quite as interesting as the other two stories.

The Bottom Line: Something Big is another great episode of Cougar Town that introduces an interesting (and promising) complication into Jules and Grayson's relationship and brings up the fascinating possibility of a Laurie/Travis pairing once again.

Grade: 88% (Great)

Memorable Moments

-You know what would be cooler than this title card bit? A new title. Cougar Town

-Travis: "So, what brings you to the Phallus Palace?" Laurie: "That would be such a good name for a gay bar." Travis: "Then we shall find a new house name."

-Travis: "I think I'm going to ride out my last week of humiliation here in the Nut Hut." Laurie: "Nope." Travis: "Yeah, that's worse."

-Grayson: "Ohh, she wrote down Narcissist but doesn't say which one of us she means." Both: "I'm sure it's me."

-Grayson: "Thanks for using your influence at the hospital to get us these so fast." Tom: "The head nurse would only give them to me if I could beat her at arm wrestling so I had to steal it."

-Ellie: "You promised Graymond you'd have a kid but you don't want to." Jules: "You don't know that. Maybe I do." Ellie: "Then have a kid." Jules: "I don't want to."

-Grayson: "Holly let you take her?" Jules: "She yelled from the shower it was fine. I'm not even sure she knew it was me."

-Enjoyed Grayson's song about Bobby and Ellie enjoying surfing at the end.

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