Wednesday 28 March 2012

We Have a Fanpage, Yo!

When I started this blog back in September, I didn't really have a plan for where it was going. I wasn't even sure if people would ever read it. Now several months later, the blog's been running mostly smoothly (Though I still don't have the type of regular computer access needed for maximum efficiency.) and I've noticed a huge spike (relatively speaking) in our week-to-week and month-to-month readership. So to capitalize on this and to try to build on the blog, I've launched an official Facebook fanpage, which you can see and like by visiting HERE!!!!!

I know what many of you are probably thinking: What does this Fanpage do that the blog doesn't do? Well, for starters, it allows a more informal, intimate way for me to get information across. Besides letting me post links to the latest opinions, it allows me to easily say what I'm currently working on for the blog, or if neccessary, what regular opinions are being skipped this week due to time constraints. It also allows me to give quick impressions/favorite moments on every show I get the chance to watch, including shows I want to cover on the blog, but never have the time to pull off (and there's a bunch), or shows I watch irregularly. In addition, the Fanpage gives all you regular readers a good chance to comment on things you like (and don't like) about the blog, and offer suggestions on ways to improve things, so I make it the best blog it can be.

So that's the basics on what I hope to achieve with the Fanpage. Ultimately, I'm hoping it'll provide regular readers (and possible fans) of the blog with an enhanced, more interactive, blog experience and make this blog even better? Will things work out this way? Only time will tell. So if you feel so inclined, click the above link and become a fan of Kenny Sage Talks TV, Yo! You probably won't regret it.

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