Monday 26 March 2012

Memorable Moments: Bob's Burgers: Synchronized Swimming

Quicky Opinion: Synchronized Swimming was a funny episode of Bob's Burgers that told an interesting story about Linda letting the kids take advantage of her, added in lots of funny moments and brought the other story about Bob being overwhelmed by the new ice cream machine into it in a clever way, along with the Prenatal Yoga from the beginning. All in all, it was another good episode of this wonderful show. Quicky Grade: 80% (Great)

Memorable Moments

-Business of the Week: Pooka Pagodah Pooka Shell Warehouse

-Gene: "Hey mom, when you're done polishing your pelvic floor, will you check my math homework for me?" (Linda looks at it.) Linda: "There's nothing on here but a drawing of a robot." Gene: "Who's better at math than a robot? They're made of math!"

-Bob: "What about you, Tina? If your mother "helping you" do your homework?" Tina: "No.." Linda: "See?" Tina: "..But mom's been logging her dreams in my dream journal for english class." Bob: "Great, you're dreaming for her." Linda: "Oh! (Starts writing in journal) Last night I dreamed that I was breast feeding Gene again and he had a long white beard like Santa Claus. It was freaky." Gene: "That could be our next Christmas card!" Bob: "No." Gene: "Pleease?" Bob: "Noo."

-Louise: "You guys, when I'm in P.E class, I feel like I'm not living up to society's warped image of fitness. I feel like a loser." Tina: "I feel like I'm not being valued as a woman." Gene: "Me neither! I need guidance and counseling." Mr. Frond: "I'm a guidance counsellor! Come in, come in."

-The flashback to Linda making the kids do Synchronized Teeth Brushing was great.

-Special Burger of the Day #1: Shake Your Honeymaker Burger (Comes With Honey Mustard."

-Linda: "Don't you make noises at me, you Judgaroo. Go play your Judgeridoo."

-Andy: "Louise, why aren't you in P.E? Do you have lice?" Ollie: "I do! I do."

-I enjoyed the montage of the kids doing "Independent Study." The best part was probably how the kids playing in the fire hydrant made the Firemen run out of water for the big fire they were fighting.

-Linda: "Whatup, my knitter?"

-Mr. Frond: "I still have the '96 Olympics on VHS: the miracle on melted ice." Linda: "Ooh, I have Dynasty on VHS".

-Linda: "Hello kids. I had a very interesting encounter with Mr. Frond today." Louise: "You did?" Tina: "Yeah, he's a very interesting guy." Linda: "Yeah, he is very interesting Tina. He's so interesting, that he told me about your independent study." Gene: "Uhhhh, I gotta go! I- I have forgot everything outside!"

-Louise: "Tina, this is the woman who chewed your food for you when you had your tonsils out. We're not going to have to lift a finger." Linda: "Okay you two, lift your fingers!"

-Louise: "Why is Gene wearing a girl's suit?" Linda: "Because otherwise, we wouldn't look synchronized."

-Louise: "Looking good, mom! I'm learning a lot from looking!"

-Girl: "Excuse me, can I get a sample of the chocolate?" Bob: "Why would you need a sample? You don't need a sample." Girl: "But how will I know what it tastes like?" Bob: "It's chocolate. It tastes like chocolate tastes."

-Special Burger of the Day #2: "The One Yam Band Burger (Comes with Yams)

-Tina: "Marco!" Gene: "Wahlberg!"

-Ollie: "Louise said this class was a joke." Andy: "Yeah, say something funny!" Linda: "Louise, Tina, Gene, get over here now!" Andy: "Aaahh, good one."

-Gene: "Looks like someone's ready to coach independent drama."

-Louise: "The whole point of doing Independent Study was so we wouldn't have to be judged." Mr. Frond: "You're judged from the day you're born to the day you die!"

-Bob: "Summer school?" Louise: "Yeah, what's next? Summer church? Summer dentist?" Gene: "Summer visit Grandma?" Tina: "Summer camp? Wait, I go there."

-Linda: "You kids made your bed, and now you have to swim in it."

-Mr. Frond: "One upon a time, there was no such thing as math, until one brave teacher said: 'hey, what about math? I think Independent Study Synchronized Swimming will be the next.. math."

-Andy: "We're all gonna die!" Ollie: "Let's die like we were born: two minutes apart!"

-Gene: "Anthrax smells like babies!"

-Bob: "Lin, what are you doing here?" Linda: "A little cup of coffee told me to come." Bob: "I don't know what that means, but we're glad to see you."

-Gene: "Next time I do this, I'm getting an epidural!"

-Gene: "You saved our asses!" Tina: "And toned our keegals."

-Bob: "Are we just going to ignore the fact that Louise pooped in the pool?" Louise: "Ignore it? I named it. Jezebel." Linda: "Aww, my little Grand Doody."

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