Thursday 8 March 2012

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: One World: Bum-Puzzled

Did that really just happen?! No, seriously. Did that really just happen?! Is Colton really such an evil, manipulative son of a bitch that he was able to get his tribe to voluntarily give up immunity just so he could get rid of someone he doesn't want to associate with?! Are the boys really that dumb?! Is Tarzan really that ridiculous?! When I heard that this episode was going to feature a tribal council first, I was skeptical. After all, this show has been going on for 24 seasons. How many firsts do they have left? But Bum-Puzzled managed to pull off a first and pulled off one of the best episodes of Survivor in a while, because of it. So here's 5 things I liked.

1. Breaking Targets and Forgetting Names: Things got off to a pretty normal start and the reward challenge was a fun one, as the tribes flung coconuts at a wall of targets, trying to break 5 connected to each other in a row. And continuing their momentum streak, the girls overtook the boys, won the challenge and finally got the tarp they needed for their camp. And as exciting as all this was, the most entertaining part of the challenge for me came when Jonas stepped up to plate and Tarzan started calling him Jason for some reason. That doesn't even make sense! Oh, Tarzan. You amuse me.

2. Leif Gets Into Trouble: When Leif accidentally reveals to Bill that he's on the outs with the tribe, that schemer Mike (trying to prolong his stay) reports him to the Queen Bee of Malono, Colton. Once again, Colton surprised me with the depths of his villainy (and his kind of offensive comments) as he tells Leif coming clean now might help his case, only to claim Leif's fate was sealed when Leif actually did come clean. It was an interesting scene to watch, and surprisingly, it was only a taste of the real insanity to come.

3. The Boys Win...: The immunity challenge wound up being another one where the boys dominated the girls. Alicia and Chelsea just could not solve that first puzzle. Even when they started looking at the boys finished puzzle (much to Tarzan's protests. Tarzan was on fire this week), they just couldn't stop Leif from solving the puzzle, which I thought would redeem him for the week. It also gave us a good mislead, as Alicia let out a laugh after losing the challenge, which seemed to reignite the Christina vs. Alicia conflict and give us a clear narrative for the rest of the episode to follow. Unless the boys do something stupid of course. But that would never hap-

4. Wait, What?!: So Bill tries to talk to Colton. Colton refuses and doesn't understand when Bill yells at him because of it. So Colton decides that maybe the boys should go to Tribal instead of the girls. And somehow, this goes from a one-off comment to an actual plan and they manage to convince all of the guys to give up immunity in what will surely go down as one of the worst survivor moves ever. Of course, some confusion gets in when Tarzan thinks they're doing this because Leif has betrayed the alliance and that's an unforgivable offense, but Colton is still confident Bill will go. And I'm just losing my mind.

5. No, Really: What?!: At Tribal, Jeff is surprised to see everyone. And Colton quickly goes to show just what a terrible person he is, as he insults Bill and says he hates Bill because Bill is a person he would never hang out with or ever talk to in real life. He even insults Bill's career and dream as a stand-up comic. Tarzan defends Colton and gives a speech about how he's sick of the race war or something and how Colton is being portrayed in a poor light. Crazy ol' Tarzan. Of course, Colton gets his way in the end and Bill goes home, even though Colton is so overconfident, it would be super simple to blindside him and get rid of the queen because there's no way he'll use his idol anytime soon. And this game just got kicked up a notch. Only time will tell if this move was the stupidest Survivor move ever made, but honestly, how on earth could this turn out to be a good move? Man, this season is great.

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