Monday 19 March 2012

Memorable Moments: The Simpsons: Them, Robot

Quicky Opinion: Them, Robot was a funny episode of Simpsons, which offered some (Though not enough for my tastes) good satire about the state of the economy and had a pretty good story about Homer trying to work with robots, only to inevitably reprogram them to try to kill them after they won't let him drink beer because of their prime directive. Many of the jokes were good here and the story worked well enough. All in all, a pretty solid week for The Simpsons. Quicky Grade: 78% (Good)

Memorable Moments

-I enjoyed the cold open, which shows how much the economy has changed since 1989. And the various allusions to things that happened to The Simpsons in those various years (Michael Jackson, Stampy, and the return of Plopper among other things) was good too.

-Homer: "Thank God it's TGIF!"

-Enjoyed the live band Burns has Smithers conduct to kick off afternoon announcements and Homer's Super D'oh, which results in the desturction of the newly rebuilt Washington Monument, the Museum of Sight Gags and Gil, apparently. His dominoes are fine though. Train Conductor: "I told them to make these tracks D'oh proof."

-Homer: "A weekend without drinking is no big deal. I did it when I was in that alcohol induced coma!"

-Lisa: "You promised to help me write a Haiku." Homer: "Why did I do that? It sounds so dull and boring. What was I thinking?" (Cut to Lisa who's written all this down as her haiku.) Lisa: "Thank you."

-Employee Drug Testing Today. Tomorrow: Tequila Tuesday.

-Homer: "Oh Lord, I have once again besodded my liver with thy fermented gifts. If you can weasal me out of this physical, I will blow your mind by doing something incredibly holy. At some point. Amen. Now to mumble in a religious fashion."

-Mr. Burns: "This Trap Door App works like a charm." Other apps on Mr. Burns Ipad include Am I Alive?, Ukulele Hero, Google Naps, Captain Billy's Whiz-Bang and Angry Burns.

-Mr. Burns: "This is the last time I pay the price for the irritating mortality of the human worker. Smithers, it's time to restaff with the super intelligent Kangaroo's we've been breeding." Smithers: "I'm sorry sir, but they just filled their pouches with office supplies and hopped away." Mr. Burns: "Even the Joeys?" Smithers: "You know sir, there is a more high-tech solution." Mr. Burns: "More high-tech than Kangaroos?"

-Homer's reaction to the robots: "Aah! Comic-Con nerds!"

-Mr. Burns: "I give you permission to shake your fists in anger twice. (They all do that) I didn't say Monty Says. Now I have cause to terminate."

-Mr. Burns: "Now get out!" Carl: "You didn't say Monty says." Mr. Burns: "This is no game!"

-Homer: "Mr. Burns, before I leave, I've got a few things to get off my chest! One! I like the new microwave in the break room. Just push popcorn, you don't have to know how long. Two! Replacing us with robots is heartless and dispicable! Three! How about a farewell party with a caricature artist? You know, it's something both kids and adults can enjoy. So to sum up: Nicely done, we hate you, and food for thought."

-Mr. Burns: "As it turns out, there is one job available, but be forewarned: it promises naught, but soul-crushing boredom." Homer: "Does the chair lean back like this? (He leans far back)" Mr. Burns: "Yes." Homer: "Woohoo!"

-Moe: "Homer, show a little more sensitivity around these jobless washouts, eh?"

-Homer: "I'm miserable there. I'm all alone and when there's some problem due to human error, guess who gets blamed." Lenny: "Homer? You know what I'm playing for ya? The world's smallest violin. And now I gotta sell it, just to make rent!"

-The Android's Dungeon: Androids Not Welcome.

-First Church of Springfield: We've Run Out of Consoling Phrases

-The flashback to the arrival of Mr. Burns and the origin of Moe becoming ugly on the outside was pretty funny.

-Smithers: "Fine. We will not be reading Death in Venice today." Clas: "Ooooooh." Kearney: "Someone's in a mood!"

-Homer: "What happened to you guys? You used to be cool." Robot: "We are the same temperature we have always been."

-Robot: "We cannot take the inferior one." Milhouse: "My heart makes up for my shortcomings. Like Rudy!" Robot: "Rudy was only put in at the end of a meaningless game." Different Robot: "We will notify you if this game becomes meaningless."

-Homer: "That could've been MY motherboard lying in the street."

-Robot: "Alcohol is harmful to humans." Homer: "Yeah, yeah, save your breath." Robot: "We have no breath. Different Robot: "We do vent Nitrogen once a year". Robot: "You do not want to be around for that."

-Flanders: "Uh, Homer, I'm afraid this is the part of God's perfect plan where you are murdered by robots." Homer: Flanders, I don't judge a robot by the colour of their eyes. I look at their hands, which have turned into buzzsaws.

-Robots: "Eliminate impediment. Eliminate-" Homer: "Just say 'kill me' jerks!" Robots: "Kill him. Kill him."

-Lisa: "Dad! They can only go three miles an hour!" Homer: I'm doomed! Can they climb stairs?" Lisa: "With great difficulty." Homer: "I'm doomed!!"

-Mr. Burns: "There's one thing man has that machines can never match: hounds!"

-Mr. Burns: "Ahh, the Solarium. We'll be safely cornered in this glass room with one door."

-Homer: "Before we die, can you tell me how old you really are?" Mr. Burns: "Well, it has 4 digits..."

-Lenny: "Unemplyed Springfielders to the rescue!" Carl: "And underemployed!"

-Smithers: "To Servos with love!"

-Homer: "Guys, thank you! The words 'prime directive' get thrown around a lot these days, but I'm glad yours was saving me. The saddest part is none of this had to happen if Mr. Burns had simply trusted the human worker. Or, if someone, anyone, had told me that robots were incapable of human feelings." Robot: "I told you precisely that fact, 1582 ti- (Bart takes his head off)"

-Mr. Burns: "You're all hired back- as temps!"

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