Monday 5 December 2011

Memorable Moments: The Simpsons: The Ten-Per-Cent Solution

Quicky Opinion: The Ten-Per-Cent Solution was a lot of fun, taking another classic Simpsons plot (How many career comebacks has Krusty had now?) and throwing a new spin on it, by focusing the story on Krusty's relationship with his original agent. It also targets cable networks, Nostalgia, and even itself in a couple places for another solid episode. Season 23 has been good so far and it'll hopefully get even better from here. Quicky Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

-My favorite of the Itchy and Scratchy's was The Social Petwork, mostly for the way it resolved the cartoon through a big block of text, while Scala and Kolacny Brother's cover of Creep (which helped make The Social Network's trailer really memorable) played. I also liked Maggie doing a Nazi Salute after The King's speech parody
-Krusty: "And all the movies are over a year old! It's like like those parodies were written when the movies came out but it took so long to animate them that we look dated and hacky!"
-Marge: “No more TV! We’re going to get some fresh air and visit a museum. Of television!”
-Marge: "We have to see the museum of TV before next Wednesday when it's closing. Forever!" Homer: "It's closing?! But where will people find clips of old TV shows if they're not housed in a giant building?!" Cut to clever Hulu gag.
-Museum of TV and Television. Liquidation Sale: Touch the things you used to watch.
-Bart accidentally fires a gun, which hits another gun in Homer's pocket. While Homer is admiring his other gun, it fires, shoots JR, hits the enterprise, bounces off Superman and uncovers oil by the Beverly Hillbillies.
-Homer: "My pants are splitting open! And people will see my tattoo of Donald Duck smoking a doob. That was for Marge's eyes only".
-Marge: "Isn't that just a rip-off of the Honeymooners?" Homer: "Everything's a rip-off of the Honeymooners! Margie, you're the greatest!" Marge: "Oh, Ralph, Fred, Archie, King of Queens, I mean Homer".
-Homer enjoys The Adventures of Fatso Flannigan. "Hehehe. They were so childless and miserable!"
-Annie: “If you ever hear a star’s name and wonder: Is he dead? The answer is either ‘I represent him’ or yes!”
-TV Executive: "Krusty, this is never easy but... you're fired. Oh! That was easy"
-Krusty's contract states that if he's fired, it has to be done by literally firing him from a cannon. Too bad he lands in another cannon which shoots him back into the first cannon.
-Krusty: "They took my dressing room, my parking space, even my writer, so I don't have a funny third item!"
-Agent: "Krustala, I'm gonna drop you as a friend first, so that when I drop you as a client, you'll know it was only business."
-Krusty: "Go away! No kid should see his hero sunk so low!" Lisa: "Well you're not exactly my hero. I see you more as a cautionary tale".
-Bart: "People also lover a quitter. Sarah Palin. The Beatles."
-Young Krusty: "Scary world. We start with the A Bomb then skip right to the H Bomb. These geniuses can blow up the planet, but they don't know the alphabet!"
-In the flashback we also see young Jasper, young crazy cat lady, young Hans, young Agnes Skinner, and pretty much the same but in an Army Uniform Seymour Skinner.
-Young Krusty: "I don't wanna play in Peoria. They're always doing contruction on highway 74!"
-Annie: “Today’s kids are less sensitive than an army condom. They see more on TV than my mother did on her wedding night. And they don’t complain about it for the next 50 years!”
-Annie: "I was so mad at him, I didn't have sex with a clown for 5 months!" Homer: "What about mimes?" Annie: "I'm not made of stone!"
-Krusty: "Deep down I'm doing this to get back at my father!" Rabbi Krustofski: "Don't blame this on me. Your childhood was heaven."
-Annie: "I promise you, Krusty will show up on time or sober. That's right! I said 'or'!"
-Krusty: “They were kids, and we gave them candy if they laughed! And if they didn’t, until the 70s, I hit them with a stick! Some jerk tracked down the kids and made a documentary. It’s called ‘Circus of Shame’ or something.”
-Sideshow Mel: "And now let's welcome a man the Spanish called Senor No-Fun, Krusty the Klown!"
-Nostalgic Fan: "Everything I loved as a kid and hated as a teenager, I love as an adult!"
-Krusty's new show is getting the best reviews of his career. 2 and a Half stars. For fans only.
-Krusty: "I'm back on top! And this time, I'm not going to blow it all on cocaine for my horses!"
-Krusty: "Wait a minute... THERE'S SOFT PORNO?!"
-Krusty: "And you know anything said at a network pitch meeting can be taken to the bank.
-Hbowtime: It's not just TV, it's more expensive.
-Annie: "Wait a minute! We have very specific language in our contract saying 'No guests that are funnier than Krusty!'" Executive: "Janeane has promised to be strictly angry and political. Janeane Garofolo: "And I'll keep my promise. Like Obama did with Guantanamo". Krusty: Ohh, it's funnier than I can ever hope to be".
-Executive: "Krusty, this is exactly the type of meddling that only we're supposed to do".
-Krusty: "I did that laugh that people can interpret anyway they want". Annie: "I thought that laugh meant 'I Love You!'" Krusty: "It can..."
-Moe: "I'm paying extra for this channel? It hasn't been good since The Wire! Aw, who am I kidding. I never watched The Wire! I had to bluff my way through so many conversations.

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