Monday 12 December 2011

Memorable Moments: The Simpsons: Holidays of Future Passed

Quicky Opinion: Holidays of Future Passed was a future episode and a Christmas episode all wrapped up in one. And a great one at that. There was multiple storylines, all of which had a good amount of humour and heart. This is definitely one of the best Future episodes the show has done. Maybe even as good as Lisa's Wedding from season 6. Maybe. Quicky Grade: Zounds! (Almost Perfect)

Memorable Moments

-Grandpa is dressed as Santa for Christmas Card photos. "I'm Santa?! Ohh, now I'll never die".
-Last years Christmas Card with the pets dressed as Reindeer didn't go so well. Cut to a photo of Homer getting attacked by the pets in antlers.
-Homer prepares to see It's A Wonderful Life. "I wonder what my life would be like if I never saw that movie".
-Merry Christmas From The Simpsons... And A Tranquil New Year From Lisa The Budhist.
-The montage of Christmas Cards to show the passage of time was great. I liked how Bart went from having a State College banner to a Flunked Out banner by the next year. Also the Christmas Card of Bart getting kicked out of the house.
-Bart is divorced from his girlfriend from the previous future episode
-Skinner: "You're two weeks late on the rent Bart. Not to mention that Geography report from 30 years ago".
-In the future people can transport and hear thoughts.
-Lisa: "This is a tough time of year for someone who is allergic to Holly, Mistletoe, the red part of Candy Canes..."
-St. Beatles Cathedral
-Once again, the show finds a way to keep Maggie from talking, even when she's the lead singer in a rock band. Computer Doctor: "Everything looks great Maggie, but until this baby comes, I don't want you to make a sound".
-Homer: "Oh, Marge. How would you like to have some Future Sex?" Marge: "Why do you say future? This is now". Homer: "I meant a week from now. That's when the new penis gets here."
-In the future, people recieve B-Mail. Messages sent to their brain. Including spam and viruses.
-Homer carries a top hat, red scarf, carrot, and pipe because he likes to dress up to eat his carrot and smoke.
-Homer: "Who wants to go to the park and go to the Merry-Go-Nowhere?!"
-Ned: "That's why when Homer killed Edna, I married Maude's ghost!" Ghost Maude: "There is no God, Ned! It's just a meaningless void." Ned: "Heheh. Isn't she pretty?"
-Future Air Travel. Also great.
-Christmas Cookie Recipes come in pill form now. You still have to make the actual cookies yourself though.
-Lisa: "Sometimes I wish strangling your kid is still legal." Marge: "Not since they passed Homer's Law."
-Homer and Bart's kids take advantage of a futuristic battle at the Kwik-E-Mart to get free Squishees. Cyborg Snake. Also funny.
-Kearney: "Computer, hospital". Cut to the cab arriving at the computer hospital.
-The stars are used to advertise now.
-Treehouse: "Our consciousness was a secret for thousands of years. Then one Pine Tree had to open his sappy mouth". Bart: "Back in position!"
-The hospital is next to the Monty Burns Institute for Soul Extraction.
-Hospital Attendant: "Im sorry. There's no roo at the in... patient facility". Kearny: "Lady this is Maggie Simpson. She just played a sold-out show in Beijing!" H.A: "Hmmm, a star in the east? Let me see. We do have a little room in the manger... I mean mangier wing.
-Marge: "People learn from their mistakes. And your father made SO many mistakes".
-Selma's Lovebot: "Even a robot built only to love you cannot love you. I am leaving with your sister's Compudroid."
-In place of an epidural, Maggie gets a pacifier, which is said to be even more effective.
-Apu and Manjula's Octuplets also had Octuplets. Go figure.
-Apu believes a cow is the reincarnation of his dead brother Sanjay. It's actually a mongoose that died 600 years ago, but Apu doesn't know that.
-Lisa: "Sometimes a mother's job IS to butt in!" Marge: "Lisa?" Lisa: "Butt out!"
-Martin Prince is now Marsha Princess.
-Lisa: "Google! Even though you've enslaved half the world, you're still a damn fine search engine."
-Ralph: "Hey Bart!" Bart: "Hey Ralph. I heard you died." Ralph: "I got cloneded." He promptly shoots himself accidentally, causing a new clone to take over. That Ralph gets run over by a truck driven by another Ralph who drives into a building, exploding and revealing the cargo was even more Ralphs who are all on fire.
-Bart goes to Moes: "Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit!" Moe: "Yeah, I keep meaning to change this place around, but it's always a crime scene". Cut to chalk outlines of people including Sideshow Bob, the rake, and Bumblebee Man.
-Lenny and Carl switched brains with each other at some point because Lenny wanted to get back together with his wife who had been sleeping with Carl at the time. SHE had switched her brain with a monkey on a Japanese game show and it just got weirder from there, though Lenny found it quite normal.
-Grandpa froze himself because he was sick and there was no cure. They did find one, but Homer isn't telling him that because it's way cheaper than a nursing home.
-Homer: "Everyone thinks their dad's a jerk. And everyone's right! But when you get older, you realize how much you love them."
-Bart: "Boys, I've been acting likes a 10-year-old for these past 30 years. But I swear to you, I will grow up and start acting like a 20-year-old, the way a divorced 40-year-old should!"
-Bart's Son: "You've taught us the meaning of Christmas, which schools are forbidden to tell us anymore."
-Grandpa: "If there's one time of year to give unwed mothers a break, it's Christmas."
-Marge: "Smile everyone, while the pets take our picture!" Bart: "Hmm, funny how they evolved and we didn't".
-Happy Holidays, Peace on Earth. And a Morphistic Quiznox To Our Allies on Rigel 7.

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