Thursday 8 December 2011

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: South Pacific: Ticking Time Bomb

You didn't fool me this time Survivor. For all of Edna's scheming and good arguments this week, and for all of Brandon's craziness and not understanding why Edna might be angry at him this week, I never believed that Brandon would go home. So I wasn't disappointed when Edna's plan failed because  And now with two episodes left, I'm hoping for some truly crazy gameplay to take us home on a good note. But anyways, here are 5 Things I Enjoyed!

1. Cochran Almost Does The Impossible: I wasn't expecting Cochran to beat Ozzy, but I was hoping for it, just so it would shake things up. And Cochran actually almost did it. I was holding my breath during the last 30 seconds or so of that challenge and exclaimed rather loudly when Cochran just lost. Oh, well. He had a good run. Maybe Edna can take down Ozzy

2. Brandon's Dad: Has CBS ever thought of just giving the Hantz family a reality show where we follow them around in regular life? First, Russell, then Brandon, and now Brandon's dad who finds it crazy that Brandon refuses to make a move, gives his son a 'C' in terms of gameplay (without even knowing how generous that grade actually is), and tries to get Coach to promise Brandon's in the final 3. Based on those 3, this family is full of interesting characters. Anyways, Shawn Hantz livens up the family visit sequence and gives us some good quotes to. "Get to the Final 3. THEN it's up to God."

3. Coach Has A Master Plan: Coach sees Ozzy picking him to see family as an effort to court favour, so he goes to Ozzy... and tells him that if Ozzy returns Coach will take him to the Final 3. He wants to see the strongest duke it out. Apparently, he hasn't realized that Ozzy could win if he makes it to the Final 3. But anyways, it's good to see Coach continue to play a good game this season, and this adds a twist into the otherwise predictable proceedings.

4. Edna's Angry At Brandon? Shocker.: After Brandon revealed that Edna was the next to go last week, Edna was understandably upset and pissed. This led to some funny moments like Edna not going to morning prayer because "she's not part of the tribe", and it also led to some funny Brandon moments. Brandon was willing to let her be mad at him, but he didn't understand how she could slam his character? I mean, how could you hate the guy who outright states he was trying to make you lose the immunity challenge (Well he didn't use her name, but that makes it worse)? Or the guy who thinks saying "Sorry" makes everything better, and then goes on to the next insult. I felt bad for Edna this week and wish that she had been able to convince the others to vote out Brandon.

5. Edna Makes An Effort: As I've already said, Edna made a good argument to vote out Brandon instead of her. I liked her argument and the aftermath of her argument, with Coach managing to be detached and non-committal, but still making her think he was onboard, leading to her telling Albert and Sophie that Coach was so onboard, she would eat his... excrements. Of course, Coach wasn't as onboard as she thought but at least she tried. And again, there's always the outside chance that she beats Ozzy next week. Wouldn't that be something?

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