Thursday 15 December 2011

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: South Pacific: And Then There Were Five

Holy Crap! After a few predictable episodes of no one making big moves, this game just got interesting again as I was truly unsure over who was going home tonight right up to Jeff Probst revealing the name of Brandon (Though in retrospect, I probably shouldn't have been). Man, what a stupid move (Does believing it's God's will give him a better excuse than Eric when he did it in Fans Vs. Favorites?). However, it did make the last half of the episode incredibly unpredictable and made for possibly the best episode all season. Man, I'm excited for what's next. And although it was hard to choose, I still came up with... 5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: South Pacific: And Then There Were Five

1. Allegiances Revealed: Coach mentions at the beginning that true alliances are about to be revealed and that definitely came to be true. Seeing them together for a lot of the season, I had assumed that Albert and Sophie were allies and in an alliance together. But as the episode opens, Albert is convinced Sophie will be the next to go, because he thinks she's too dangerous. He plans to go to the finals with Coach (the cult leader) and Rick (Mr. Do Nothing). However, it turns out he's been keeping it tight with Brandon too. And Sophie's not too fond of Albert either. But she's after Brandon, and gets Coach (Who is dismissive of Albert's plans, calling it jealousy) and Rick onboard. What could go wrong?

2. Worst Case Scenario: Brandon Wins Immunity: Going into the challenge, I had a feeling that Brandon was going to win. I tried to shake it off, but sure enough he won the challenge. Suddenly certainty flies out the window for a second. At this point, Sophie and Coach decide to go for Albert. So while Brandon (and reward choice Rick) are enjoying pizza, Sophie informs them of her intentions (Though Albert is highly suspicious of her), which leads to Brandon finding out that the final 3 deal Albert has given him is apparently a lie. Which leads to...

3. Everybody Hates Albert: As Sophie watches in quiet triumph, Brandon, Rick, and Albert have a big argument over whether or not Albert has been lying. This makes it more and more likely that Albert will leave, but it's also really entertaining to watch Albert's plans blow up in his face. If the show had gone the "Vote Out Albert" route, I'd still be satisfied with this episode. But Albert is smart enough to do damage control and gets Brandon back on his side. And suddenly...

4. Brandon Does What?!: Oh, man. When Albert came over to do damage control on Brandon, I was unsure whether or not it'd work. You never know with Brandon. What I wasn't expecting was Brandon deciding to give up his immunity necklace to Albert, without knowing who Coach was going to vote for (Again, as I watched it, I should've realized he was going to vote Brandon, but I wouldn't have been surprised if he had voted for Sophie). Brandon ultimately turned out to be too loyal for his own good (which has plagued him all his life). Though maybe he can beat Ozzy and come back.

5. Pressure's On Albert: The whole tribal council was crazy to watch (and I loved the jury's reactions throughout), but I enjoyed when Probst put the pressure on Albert and asked if he was willing to give the idol back to Brandon. Albert clearly didn't want to, so he just said some things about not needing to because he's confident Brandon was safe. Oh, Albert. This episode has really killed your chances of winning the game. But it was so good.

Can't wait for Sunday!

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