Thursday 2 February 2012

The Office: Jury Duty

What Happened, Yo!:

-Jim has returned from a week of jury duty, but won't share many details because he says it was an uneventful case. In truth he was dismissed after half a day and wound up taking the rest of the week off to help Pam. When he learns that much of the office suffered a bit working harder in his absense, he decides to give them a good story. But when he accidentally refers to a food truck as a resturant, Dwight starts to catch on and makes Jim slip up on a detail about the case. He tries to use this to get Andy to fire Jim, but Andy thinks he's overreacting and gets Dwight to take a chill pill. But when he tells Dwight he would fire Jim if Jim was lying, Dwight schemes to get catch Jim in the lie.

-Jim confesses to Andy, who is upset but decides to help Jim cover it up so he won't have to fire him. It doesn't really work and Jim winds up just confessing. Everyone gets mad at him, but Andy won't fire him much to Dwight's fury. Dwight goes off to find Gabe, while Jim gets Pam to swing by with the kids hoping to get himself out of the mess he's in. Pam brings by drawings she claims Cece drew, but the office quickly realizes that Pam actually drew them. But when Cece and Phillip start acting up and Jim and Pam have a hard time calming them down, the rest of the office realizes that Jim and Pam do have a lot to deal with, so they cut Jim some slack and let him take the rest of the day off.

-Meanwhile, Angela has had her baby (also named Phillip) allegedly a month early, and Oscar, Kevin, Erin, and Gabe go to visit. Oscar warns them that the baby will be tiny as it's premature, but the baby is actually quite big and Oscar quickly realizes that the baby came on time. Angela tries to brush it off, but eventually confesses to Oscar that Phillip was born out of wedlock. Dwight comes by looking for Gabe, but when Oscar tells him that Angela's baby was conceived a month before the wedding, Dwight gets distracted. It turns out that a month before the wedding, Angela slept with Dwight because Robert wasn't satisfying her, so Dwight becomes convinced the baby is his, despite Angela's constant denial. Dwight leaves the hospital elated and no longer cares that Jim skipped work because he did it for his kids and Dwight is a father now.

I Liked This: Jury Duty was a very solid episode of The Office. Dwight probably being the father of Angela's baby makes that storyline much more interesting than it had been before and injects new life into the Dwight/Angela storyline, which had been dormant ever since the introduction of Robert Lipton. The stuff with Oscar and company visiting was funny and I hope Kevin calling Angela's baby Little Kevin continues past this episode. I also liked how the baby storyline tied into Dwight's latest attempt to get Jim fired and his elation at being a father was a nice moment at the end. As for the other stuff, I was happy to see Pam swing by (and was more happy when Creed identified her as Angela and tried to get her baby to lick his fingers) and I liked how the office came to sympathize with Jim at the end of that story, instead of just ending it with him humiliated. I also liked when Andy was trying to cover for him and his explanation for why he was driving Jim to the courthouse was great. As was the sequence with the food truck guy.

But...: Dwight trying to actually get Jim fired ran it's course back in season 6, so it was a bit tiring to see it return here. Luckily, Dwight dropped it at the end though.

The Bottom Line: Jury Duty was a great episode, which made Angela's pregnancy interesting and had the return of Pam. I'm over Dwight trying to get Jim fired though.

Grade: (In case you were unaware, we know grade on a percentage scale because I wanted to change things up.) 83% (Great!)

Memorable Moments

-The Cold Open with Andy doing some stress relief dancing in the warehouse was funny, if only for how ridiculous it got.

-Kevin: "Did I win the pool?" Erin: "No. Right month. Wrong year".

-Oscar: "Kevin and I have to go because Accounting's its own little family." Kevin: "Yeah, Oscar's the dad, I'm Oscar's dad and Angela's my mom".

-Dwight: "I was in Los Angeles last year. Jim had tricked me into thinking I had won a walk-on part on NCIS but that's not important".

-Kevin: "Phillip is so fat!" Oscar: "Kevin." Kevin: "You warned me not to say anything if it was tiny Oscar. But you didn't prepare me for a big, giant, fat baby." Robert: "Yes, he's substantial". Erin: "He's more than substantial. He's... a monster."

-Dwight: "I am making a citizen's arrest! You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to beg for mercy. You have the right to request judgement by combat! Dwight's rights!"

-Andy: "I feel terrible being lied to. Nobody's ever lied to me before". Jim: "...Okay."

-Jim: "So, empanadas on me. You guys gotta try them." Creed: "Usually I'm a burrito guy, but you don't tell, I won't tell. Wink wink".

-Phyllis: "I'm sorry, do you have any American Mexican food?"

-Kevin about Phillip: "I'm gonna call him Little Kevin". Angela: "No, you will not".

-Oscar got the baby Preemie Pyjamas. Kevin got him Call of Duty.

-Oscar: "You didn't hear it from me". Dwight: "Yes I did."

-Dwight: "Yess. Oh, what a beautiful child. Prominent forehead, short arms, tiny nose. You will lead millions... willingly, or as slaves."

-Dwight: "That baby is a Schrute. And unless somebody taught Moze sex, that baby is mine".

-Creed joins in the excitement of seeing Pam and the kids swing by: "Hey, Angela's back with her baby".

-Pam: "Cece wanted to thank everybody for letting her daddy stay home with her all last week and play so she brought you a little treat". Phyllis: "Cookies?" Pam: "No, but that would've been a real good idea".

-Dwight: "Angela, this baby is mine. He looks just like me". Angela: "Every baby looks just like you. Your face is like a baby".

-Dwight: "Remember? You said Robert was not fulfilling you and I said I bet I could fulfill you and you said I'd like to see you try and then I kissed you with the force of a thousand waterfalls". Angela: "That didn't happen". Dwight: "And then I inserted my-" Angela: "No, stop it!" Dwight: "penis into your-" Angela: "Dwight." Dwight: "Vagina and...".

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