Wednesday 8 February 2012

Glee: The Spanish Teacher: An Abridged Opinion

I'm a bit short on time this week, so I'm going to do a opinion of last night's Glee without the recap I usually put into these posts and a bit shorter than it might otherwise be. So, it's like a quicky opinion for those of you who regularly read my blog, except I'm calling it an Abridged Opinion.

Last night's Glee focused on an aspect of the show that has been ignoring for a while: Will is also a Spanish Teacher. And as frustrating as it was to learn that he doesn't actually know Spanish and has apparently forgotten he won Teacher of the Year one time (as shown in a yearbook picture Emma was fawning over in episode 1. I don't forget these things, Glee!) so he could be shown as a poor educator, I did appreciate his arc over the episode, as he became more of an intentional jerk in his efforts to have Glee do Latin Music Week so he can get tenure, only to get a reality check from Santana (who complained about him because he was projecting stereotypes about her culture to people who didn't know better) and how he stepped aside to let guest star Ricky Martin become the Spanish teacher. I also enjoyed Ricky Martin, who was a delight as David Martinez.

As for the other stuff, Sue was on fire this week and I enjoyed her plot about wanting to have a child. I also like that Finn and Rachel's engagement is treated as a bad idea by most of the characters who hear about it, because it definitely is a bad idea. I liked the scene with Kurt giving Finn the college literature and am more excited to see where this is all going than ever. And I liked how Emma (who was showing off her amusing pamphlets all episode) wound up being the one getting tenure. Because Will and Sue definitely didn't deserve it and giving it to Roz Washington who we barely know would've been a bit of a cop out. The ending was sweet too. Over all, solid episode of Glee.

Grade: 77% (Good)

Memorable Moments

-Best Musical Number: La Isla Bonita definitely was the stand-out this week.

-Worst Musical Number: La Cucharacha and A Little Less Conversation were really bad, but they were meant to be bad, so I'm gonna go with Sexy and I know It, because I don't care for that song in English, let alone in Spanish.

-Sugar continues to amuse me every week with her crazy outfits, reactions, and background comedy.
 Her random push-ups was probably the best part of Sexy and I Know It.

-The old History Teacher was forced to retire after some memory issues started showing up. "And that's how Germany won World War II".

-One last thing: I still don't really care for the Mercedes/Sam/Shane love triangle at this point, because outside of a couple scenes in Asian F, Shane doesn't have an identity outside of Mercedes' Boyfriend Who Is An Obstacle For Sam, so I can't empathize with Mercedes dilemma because I don't know what she sees in Shane.

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