Wednesday 22 February 2012

Cougar Town: A Mind With A Heart Of Its Own

What Happened, Yo!:

-Now that Jules and Grayson are engaged, Jules begins planning the wedding. She asks Ellie to be her <aid of Honor and Ellie accepts, on the condition that Jule not be a people pleaser when it comes to her wedding and be selfish. Jules goes to tell Laurie that she's a bridesmaid, but Laurie (who assumes Jules is asking Laurie to be Maid of Honor) tells her that Ellie should be the Maid of Honor and asks if Jules could make them both Co-Maids of Honor. Jules accepts and tries to pass it off to Ellie as her idea. She fakes asking Laurie again without telling Laurie what's up, but Ellie catches on when Lauries makes the two of them Co-Moh (It's an abbreviation) shirts less than an hour after allegedly accepting the offer. Laurie gets mad and says she's out as Maid of Honor but Jules tells her to just accept it and start writing the toast (the only thing Ellie has to do).

-Meanwhile Bobby has made a zip-line to connect Jules and Grayson's houses as his wedding gift and as a metaphor that he's cool with them getting married. Andy doesn't think it's a good idea, but feels bad when Jules also doesn't like it. But Jules (who was on the roof when she told Ellie she couldn't quit being Co-Maid of Honor) winds up using it when Ellie starts to cross the street to tell Laurie the truth. Jules injures herself, causing Bobby to take it down) but she appreciates the gesture.

-An injured Jules tells Ellie she's mad because Ellie is acting like she's flawless, but she points out Ellie can be mean. She also points out that she likes being a people pleaser and that Ellie doesn't mind when she's the one Jules is pleasing. Ellie apologizes, but Jules is still mad so they stage Ellie's fake murder to bury the hatchet.

-Meanwhile, Travis is visiting his grandfather and Jules makes Grayson go so he can ask permission to marry Jules. He asks, but Chick isn't ready to give him permission yet. He tells Grayson that Grayson seems to care about Jules like he cares about his horse before trying to make Grayson shoot the horse to prove his love. Grayson won't do it, and also doesn't know that Chick's horse is fine and he's being tricked. Chick later tells Travis he's torturing Grayson because he failed Jules by letting her marry Bobby and he doesn't want to do that again. Travis tells him Grayson is a good guy and Chick agrees, but they then have to stop Grayson who they see going back to shoot the horse.

I Liked This:

A Mind With A Heart of Its Own was another funny episode of Cougar Town, once again being quite funny (The Two-Man Sad Zip-Line) with some good running gags (Jules not knowing anything about movies and the fake murders come to mind, as does "Thanks, babe".) and also having plenty of heart (The reason Chick's been messing with Grayson.). The main plot with Jules letting Laurie being Co-Maid of Honor and trying to deceive Ellie about it was a good one and I enjoyed how it tied in with the whole zip-line thing (Jules falling onto the car was great). Meanwhile, Ken Jenkins returned as Jules father and the results were quite funny indeed. I was a big fan of Ken Jenkins on Scrubs and I enjoy him on Cougar Town too, so I enjoyed him messing with Grayson. Who doesn't enjoy a storyline where a man is being forced to shoot a horse as a test to show he'd do anything for his fiance? And I enjoyed the sentiment at the end of the story too. Bobby is a good person, but he was a bad husband, so it's natural that Chick would be apprehensive about Grayson at first.

But...: Ir's too bad we didn't get more stuff with the zip-line. Zip-lines are awesome.

The Bottom Line: A Mind With A Heart Of Its Own was a solid episode of Cougar Town with plenty of laughs and plenty of Ken Jenkins.

Grade: 82% (Great)

Memorable Moments

-Titles We Liked Better Than Cougar Town: Sunshine State, The Drinking Age, Cougar City, Mid-Life

-Laurie: "Ohh. You're getting married. It's so romantic, like that movie Inception when Leo loved his wife SO much, but then she gets mad and moves to that weird city where there's like, no people and earthquakes all the time. Then he ends up on Snow Mountain and falls in love with Juno". Ellie: "Aw, Jellybean. You didn't understand that movie at all, didja?" Laurie: "No, but I cried so hard at the end."

-Laurie: "I got those guys THE best engagement gift. It's a giant portrait of them, but it's made entirely out of chocolate. You know, they're way better as a black couple." Bobby: "Most people are." Laurie: "Truth.

-Bobby: "What's a better way of telling them I'm cool with everything?" Andy: "How bout' just tell them?" Bobby: "Well, that's dumb."

-Laurie: "Jules is skittish about stuff you build. Ever since you tried to kill her with those 'tub speakers'". Bobby: "Well, I said she could take bath OR listen to music."

-Jules: "As my Co-Maid of Honor-" Laurie: "Oh, just say Co-moh. It's a new abreev I came up with. Total T-Saver."

-Bobby: "Just come on up here so I can push you off the roof." Jules: "No! Wait, that's just not big enough. Noooo!"

-Travis: "Grayson, you're acting like you've never shot a horse before!" Grayson: "I haven't!" Travis: "That's kind of weird. you're a full grown man."

-Jules: "I mean, why do they even make thongs for kids?" Ellie: "That wouldn't have been a thong on a six-year-old." Jules: "Mean."

-Ellie: "I said people-pleasing annoys me. Not Ellie-pleasing. I love that."


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