Tuesday 14 February 2012

How I Met Your Mother: The Drunk Train

"I love you, Robin". In episode 3 of the season, we learned that this thing Ted, Robin, and Barney had where they hung out all the time despite Ted and Barney both having had serious relationships with Robin couldn't keep working the way it was. So all season we've been watching and waiting for this to happen and last night, following the end of Robin's relationship with Kevin and Ted realization that he's hit rock bottom and has pretty much abandoned his quest for love (Plus, he's rather drunk.), it happened. Ted told Robin he loved her once more. But before we get to that let's backtrack a bit and talk about...
What Happened, Yo!:

-Barney is angry with Ted, because while he acted as Ted's wingman on a date Ted went on the previous night, Barney found Quinn (The friend of the woman Ted was on a date with) was immune to all his tricks, and told him some things about himself he was surprised she knew. Ted now has to give Barney three hours of his time, and when Marshall and Lily tell them about the Drunk Train (The last train from New York to Long Island full of desperate barflies) Barney decides they will go there.

-The train seems promising the first time out, so they go a second time but every girl they hit on angrily rejects them. Meanwhile, Barney keeps complaing about Quinn. After trying to crack the secret of the drunk train, they realize they have to be drunk to be successful. The third time turns out to be the charm, but Barney turns down the two girls who come onto them. Ted realizes after Barney reveals that he and Quinn did end up sleeping together that Barney is complaining because he likes her and Ted encourages her to go get her, because unlike all the other lonely people on this train, Barney has chance at something more. Barney seemingly ignores Ted, but we later see him ignore a one night stand.

-Meanwhile Kevin and Robin go to a couple's retreat in Vermont with Marshall and Lily. Marshall and Lily tell them the key to a good relationship is to avoid scorekeeping (Though we see that Marshall and Lily do plenty of scorekeeping themselves, especially 8 months later when the baby has come). Later on, Kevin proposes but Robin can't give him an answer. Thinking it's because of her secret that she can't accept his proposal, Robin comes clean to Kevin about her inability to have children (She also tells Marshall and Lily) who still proposes. She accepts, but after Kevin proposes again once she clarifies that she never wants to have kids, she becomes worried that this issue (Kevin wants kids) will come up down the line and Kevin will come to regret his decision. Getting him to really press the issue, Robin and Kevin end their relationship.

-Ted finds Robin on the roof. She tells Ted that she's worried that there is no one out there for her. Ted tells her he could be the one and tells her he loves her.

-In the tag, it turns out Quinn complains about Barney to her friends as much as Barney complains to Ted. And it's revealed the reason she knows that he always wears suits, has a rule for everything, and spends most nights alone in a strip club is because she is a stripper at the club, with the stripper name Karma, that Barney just doesn't recognize.

I Like This:

Wow. The Drunk Train really throws us a curveball at the end and even though it was hinted something like this was coming, I'm still not sure how I feel about it. So I'll talk about the rest of the episode first, starting with Barney and Quinn. I must say Quinn makes a much stronger impression than Norah ever did. I liked the flashbacks to Barney's night with Quinn (which also shows us how Ted has become kinda Barney-like in his efforts to sleep with women, which plays into the episodes climax) and the reveal that she knew things about Barney, not because she could tell by looking at him, but because she actually knew Barney because she was a stripper was a stroke of genius. I'm still rooting for Robin to be the bride at the wedding Ted meets the mother at, but after one episode, I wouldn't be angry if it was Quinn. Also, the idea of the drunk train, filled with Jersey Shore rejects was very funny. As was Barney's elaborate equation (Did he go to MIT? Who knows.) trying to crack the secret.

The rest of the stuff was more dramatic, but it had it's comedic moments. I enjoyed Marshall and Lily trying to avoid making references to marriage and the flashforward to their scorekeeping. Kevin never made much of an impression on me, so I'm not sad that he broke up with Robin, and I actually liked the way it was handled. Robin not wanting and not being able to have kids is a major issue and a natural reason for a relationship to end. As for those final moments, I didn't hate Ted's declaration of love for Robin

But... I don't want to see Ted dating Robin again for more than an episode. Maybe two, if it's handled well. You're playing with fire here HIMYM writers.

The Bottom Line: The Drunk Train was a solid episode, and the ending leaves me wanting to see what happens next, but I'm also apprehensive. Depends on how it's handled.

Grade: 78% (Good)

Memorable Moments

-Lily: "If we were keeping score, Marshall would owe me big time for killing my cousin's dog!" Marshall: "How was I supposed to know the dog would eat my wallet?!" Lily: "Why was your wallet full of chocolate?!"

-Lily once dragged Marshall to an experimental play entitled Nothing But Screaming. Guess what all the dialogue was?

-Barney is thrown off his game: "Ted, tonight is gonna be Epic- wait for it...Dary! Wait that's not it, how do I usually say it?"

-Ted: "Last week I went out with a girl whose favorite band was Glee!"

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