Thursday 23 February 2012

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: One World: Tribal Dysfunction

Oh, Kat. Salani probably made the wrong decision last night when they chose to keep Kat around instead of Nina. In fact, unless Kat makes a massive turn-around over the next couple episodes, they definitely made the wrong decision. But Kat amuses me, even if she's a liability to her tribe and I find the dysfunction of the Salani Tribe fascinating, so I'm glad she's sticking around for now. And after an episode that made up for the bum note the season premiere ended on, here's this weeks 5 Things I Liked About Survivor: One World

1. Interview Interrupted: As the girls return from their first Tribal Council, they are informed by Mike (At least, I think it was Mike) that he's been making sure their fire didn't go out. Well Kat takes offense about this for some reason, and while she's in the process of explaining (Though I still didn't understand her point), an insect buzzes into frame and she gets distracted. I like it when the confessionals don't go as planned and that amusing moment helped get the episode off on a good start.

2. Do It Yourself: This episode marked the introduction of The Do It Yourself Challenge, where Probst is absent and the contestants have to run their own reward challenge (Because with no Redemption Island, they can do Reward Challenges again.). So Bill does his best Jeff Probst impression and the tribes set out to untangle a giant knot mess and win a tarp. It's fun to watch, though I did miss Jeff's play-by-play, and in the end the boys win again.

3. Survivor: Colton's World: Colton kind of got on my nerves this week. He kept complaining about being an outcast, but he didn't seem to be making any effort to be part of his tribe, preferring to spend every second with the girls. Sabrina (Still one of my favorites) calling a fake meeting so he would leave was another great moment of the episode for me, but Colton gets the 5 Things spot for deciding to reveal his idol to Leif, Jonas, Tarzan, and Troyzan, creating a makeshift alliance of mismatched misfits, simply because he doesn't have any other choice for now. Boy, this should be fun to watch.

4. Kat: An Embarrassment to Womankind?: The Immunity Challenge brought more funny Kat moments, but was really painful to watch as Kat struggled and struggled and struggled through the challenge, finding it hard to get around some of the girl's big boobs, and jumping into the water for no reason... twice. Nina got angrier and angrier with her as the challenge progressed and for good reason. The girls eventually started to figure it out, but it was too little, too late, as the boys won yet again. Oh, how I love this dysfunction.

5. Stick With The Status Quo: Tribal Council had Jeff being brutal with the girls. He told them they were off to one of the worst starts he had ever seen and compared them to sixth graders. And as the whole Nina vs. Kat struggle quickly emerged, I started to wonder if Kat's alliance would turn on her. Chelsea and Sabrinna admitted if they could start over, they would rethink their alliances. Even Kat admitted she was responsible for losing the challenge and admitted it would be fair to vote her out (She also revealed she had never failed, because she never put herself in a position to fail, which really doesn't help her case). It was all good, but in the end the status quo won out and Nina was sent home. It's a shame. But maybe the girls will be better role models for people watching at home next week.

That's all for this time out.

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