Thursday 16 February 2012

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: One World: Two Tribes, One Camp, No Rules

How anti-climatic. That was my first thought after finishing the mostly enjoyable premiere of Survivor: One World. Everything was going great until Kourtney had to be medically evacuated from the challenge and the boys chose to just take the victory (which makes tactical sense and causes lots of juicy drama, but real men would've seen that challenge through because they probably would've won anyways). Kourtney's broken wrist caused her to be thrown from the game by default, so the first real elimination has yet to occur. Luckily though, Probst was still able to kick up some drama between the girls so the episode didn't end on a totally sour note. I'm still psyched on this season and all the possibilities the boys versus girls on one beach thing entails. And I still came up with five things I liked about this episode.

1. Right Off The Bat, There's An Axe To Grind: It wound up being the opening shot in the ongoing war between girls and boys, but Mike stealing the girls unguarded supplies, including the important axe in the first challenge of the game was really funny, as it slowly dawned on the girls what had happened, followed by Mike's confession that he stole a bunch of the girl's stuff. Would he have done it if he knew they would be close to the girls all game? Based on the boys later actions, I'd say yes.

2. The Fire Fight: The girls withhold one of the chickens country girl Chelsea caught from the boys, so this leads to the boys not helping them with the fire. This leads to some failed attempts from the girls to steal fire. Alicia tries it when the boys are right there, but quickly fails. Later in the night, Christina and Monica actually sneak over to the boys camp and successfully steal an ember, but the fire doesn't last. It was still awesome though. There's also plenty of bartering going on and when Christina finally strikes a deal, Alicia doesn't like it because she thinks Christina is trying to get in with the boys. Oh, Survivor drama, how I missed you.

3. Sabrina Finds An Idol! Except It's Not Hers to Keep. Schemes Ensue: Sabrina finds one of the men's idols and has to pick a man to give it to. Since the obviously gay Colton has been the friendliest to the women and is the only guy without a big alliance of some kind (and one of the few guys there who isn't a macho manly man) she gives it to him, giving him the opportunity to take out Alpha Dog Matt (Who's an obvious villain). Was this the right decision? Only time will tell. And this led to another thing I enjoyed.

4. Colton Has Wit: Colton right off the bat is one of the most ridiculous people in the game (Though Tarzan and Troyzan seem pretty ridiculous with those nicknames alone) and he may come to bug me in future weeks, but this week he was funny. His funniest line? "We're gonna cut his throat faster than Taylor Swift can write a song about her next boyfriend." It's funny because I didn't see it coming.

5. Let's Stir Up Some Animosity And Then Send Everyone Back To Camp: Again, because the challenge was cut short, and because there was almost no chance of Kourtney coming back to play the game (which is a real shame because she seemed interesting in the brief snippets we saw her.) the episode felt anti-climatic, but Probst still asked the girls some tribal questions and it still caused some chaos. Christina trying to explain how they got fire, only to be interrupted by Alicia who called it a shady deal, only to be interrupted by Christina who said Alicia didn't know what she was talking about, only for Alicia to insist she knew everything that had happened, only for Kat to also start talking for some reason we never heard was great, chaotic fun and a nice way to sweeten the sour note of no vote.

My Favorites To Win (As of Episode 1): Sabrina, Chelsea, Jonas are my top 3 at the moment, and if I had to pick one, Sabrina. Most of the guys did not impress me this week. That could change though.

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