Friday 7 October 2011

Wednesday Quicky Opinion Time, Yo!

Kenny Sage here (Of course). So I've had this blog for about a month now and have a pretty good rhythm for posting regular opinions of shows. But sometimes I just get busy and miss a opinion here or there. (I haven't seen Ringer since Pilot. Don't think that will become regular despite my initial claims.). So I'm experimenting with a few things. The first thing I'm trying is called an opinion quicky. Ir's where I quickly talk about shows that I: A. don't usually talk about all the time B. Just didn't have time to talk about. So this week, I'll be quickly talking bout' Modern Family, Suburgatory, and Survivor: South Pacific.

Modern Family: Door to Door

I really wish I had time to write a full opinion this week because it enjoyed this episode a lot. David Cross showed up for his first episode since getting a recurring role as a city councilman and he was fantastic. Phil and Luke teamed up again. And Cameron and Gloria had a great story involving looking for the dog Stella (Cameron quickly gets caught up in a whirlwind of Streetcar Named Desire references, including an encounter with a little girl named Blanche.). This show is still great and I will talk about it more fully next week, when I'm not doing silly things like practicing for my Learner's test. Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Suburgatory: The Barbeque

I didn't intend to talk about Suburgatory regularly, but if it keeps up the quality, I may talk about it more often this winter. Anyways, this episode has Tessa dealing with an unwelcome attraction to dumb jock neighbor Ryan Shay, while George finds out he has to throw a barbeque, lest he be shunned by the suburbs. This was a quality episode with lots of great jokes, and a couple funny new hopefully recurring characters (including father of Ryan and Lisa Shay, played by the great Chris Parnell and a couple of husbands who are probably closeted). Keep it up, Suburgatory. Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Survivor: South Pacific: Survivalism

In future weeks, I plan to list my five favorite moments each episode of Survivor, because this is turning out to be even better than Redemption Island. Less focus on Brandon Hantz this week, which is welcome because that guy is paranoid. Actually, there was a bunch of focus on people who hadn't had much screen time to date, like Stacy and Dawn. And it was sweet. I was a bit sad when Stacy was voted out this week, but it had to be done. Here's hoping for more awesomeness from this season. Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

So that's it for quicky reviews for now. Stay tuned for my NBC Thursday reviews to be up shortly.

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