Tuesday 18 October 2011

Terra Nova: The Runaway

After a couple weeks of episodes that mostly expanded on the colony life and the family adjusting, last night's Terra Nova brought the Sixers back into the fold (after a brief appearance at the end of last week) and expanded on the mystery of them, while introducing a new mystery in the box. Add in some mostly solid family stuff, one scene with a dinosaur, and some more info on the differences between how Terra Nova lives and how the Sixers live and you have another solid episode.

Much of the action this week was generated by the arrival of Leah Markos, a little orphan girl who at one time was part of Terra Nova, but has been with the Sixers for some time. After apparently running away, because she wants to go back to the future, she is found in the jungle by some of Taylor's soldiers, and is brought back to Terra Nova, where Elizabeth is able to get her to co-operate. We learn that to the children with the Sixers, Taylor is considered to be "The bad man", but this is to be expected. Leah is sent to live with the Shannons and bonds with the family. But soon, Mira comes knocking, having apparently been tipped off that Leah is in Terra Nova. She captures Washington and another soldier in the jungle, who have been looking for Leah's bag and demands an exchange. When Leah says she'd rather be in the colony, Mira relents, releases the prisoners and leaves, but not before Taylor warns her that the next time she threatens the colony, he'll declare war.

All seems fine and dandy, with Leah remaining with the Shannons for the time being. Then Leah breaks into Mira's old house and steals a mysterious box. Uh oh. Turns out this whole thing was a set-up. But Leah claims she only did it because Mira threatened her younger brother, and a note she left at the Shannons confirms this. So Jim sets out to find the Sixers and get her brother back, only to get caught in a trap and almost chomped on by a dinosaur before the Sixers arrive and take him. This leads to a cryptic encounter with Mira where she tells him that Taylor has ticked off some very powerful people in the future and it's her job to get rid of them. She mentions that if she does her job, she'll get to see her daughter who is back in 2149. So family is being used against her, the same way she used it against Leah. She also hints at the true purpose of Terra Nova, but won't say what it is, when asked directly, because that kind of information is too important to be revealed in episode 5 of a 13 episode season in a non-sweeps month. She only tells him to not end up on the wrong side of history, before letting him and Leah's brother go. So Leah and her brother get adopted and the box is safe for the time being.

There's also a couple plots involving Maddy to fill out the episode. In one, Maddy tries to apprentice as a doctor with her mother, but doesn't have the stomach for prehistoric injuries (and who can blame her, really?). This was amusing, but I'm not sure if it'll come back to affect future storylines. In the other story, Reynolds announces his intentions to court her in a comically awkward manner. This probably will come back in the future, though we'll see if it turns out to be relevant to the actual master plot of the season in an interesting fashion.

All in all, this was another good outing for the show and a step up from the previous weeks installment. Hopefully the mysteries they're setting up will get addressed soon, as I would like to know what's in the box and why Mira needs it. But that's the fun of serialized shows. They always keep you hooked, by withholding answers.

Grade: Totally Awesome! (Great)

Memorable Moments

Dinosaur Scene Count: 1, but it was a gooder.

Best Dinosaur Moment: The dinosaur jumping up to try and get at Jim, but failing and falling on it's back.

-No Skye this week. Assumedly will return next week, as Josh continues his attempt to get his girlfriend back from the future.

-Josh was kind of annoying this week complaining about having to give up his room, but I suppose that's to be expected.

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