Thursday 27 October 2011

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: South Pacific: Trojan Horse

Ok so the title is a bit incorrect. In this installment, I'll be listing 4 things I enjoyed about an episode I honestly enjoyed a lot, as well as the one thing I didn't really enjoy, but was memorable enough to list (It involves Adam Sandler).

1. God Helps Upolu Find The Already Found Idol: After last weeks decision to vote out Mikayla (who lost her duel to Christine, who more than ever has become a real force in this game.), Upolu tribe needs to be restengthened. And with Brandon letting Edna and Rick onto the clue he found for the idol, Coach, Albert and Sophie execute a ruse where they get the whole tribe to hunt for the idol and refind it so Brandon doesn't realize they had the thing all along. The best part? Coach gets the whole tribe to pray that they find the idol even though he already has it. So when they "find" it, it's proof for Brandon that God is with the tribe. Man, I love this show.

2. Blindfolded, Dressed to Match, and Promoting Adam Sandler: The Immunity/reward challenge was sponsored by the people behind Adam Sandler's upcoming movie Jack and Jill. Now I'll talk more about the reward in a second, but I really enjoyed the challenge. Basically, the tribes had to pair up and dress up like twins (an important element in Jack and Jill), then go blindfolded through an obstacle course, getting puzzle bags, bumping into things and solving the puzzle. So it's really entertaining to watch, especially with the twin element (Brandon and Albert dawn fake bikini tops and Sophie gets a beardline among other things.). It also has Cochran making a major mistake, hooking in Ozzy and Dawn to their harness thing wrong, which costs Savii the challenge. Coach getting his tribe on their knees to pray thanks while Ozzy kicks a wall: classic.

3. One Thing I Dislike: I'm not a big Adam Sandler fan. His movies are pretty hit and miss for me. Especially his more recent movies. And Jack and Jill just doesn't look good. The clips of it we saw while Upolu got to eat delicious movie food didn't appeal to me whatsoever. Much of Upolu Tribe seemed to enjoy the movie and that's good for them. If I was out surviving in the wilderness for half a month and got to take a break and see a movie, I'd probably enjoy it too, even if it was that one. But that wasn't the case so I just didn't enjoy this instance of product placement. Luckily the rest of the episode made up for this one not-so-great part.

4. Shall Savii Send The Court Jester?: Earlier in the episode, we see Ozzy tell Cochran that if Savii loses the challenge, he will volunteer to be voted out in order to try to send Christine home and even the odds assuming the merge is next. But after Cochran costs his team the challenge, it looks like the whole tribe is in agreement that Cochran has to go and try to redeem himself. They even have a real encouraging attitude about it. It'll take Ozzy having some sort of crazy dream to save Cochran now!

5. Ozzy Has A Crazy Dream. His Plan is Back On: So Ozzy decides that he needs redemption and he wants to go through with this after all. His tribe is not entirely onboard with the idea, but they all vote for him anyways and after giving Cochran his idol, Ozzy sets off to meet Christine. However, as Jeff points out at tribal, this entire plan is based on the idea that the merge is going to happen the next day and that the redemption island champ will return right away. Also they're assuming that Ozzy will be able to beat Christine. Savii is seriously tempting fate and if they're wrong, and they voted out their strongest player only to face another challenge before the merge, they're screwed. Boy, next weeks episode is going to be sweet.

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