Tuesday 11 October 2011

Monday Quicky Opinions Time, Yo!

Hey everyone. I've been feeling under the weather these past couple days, and have been putting a lot of work into my forthcoming Breaking Bad season 4 review (which should be up tomorrow-ish). Add in some computer issues and I decided that reviews of last night's episodes of Terra Nova and How I Met Your Mother will be given in quicky opinion form to save time. This won't be a regular thing, though. I only use quicky opinions when I feel it's necessary to do so. So here we go.

Terra Nova: What Remains

I was still in shock after seeing the Breaking Bad finale, so I wasn't paying full attention to the first quarter of last night's Terra Nova, but it was a fine episode. The whole main amnesia virus storyline wasn't as good as the main storylines in the last couple episodes but it still had its moments and the Jim/Malcolm tension was better handled this week. It also added to the backstory of Commander Taylor, as we learn from his amnesia that he fought in some future war in Somalia, and that his wife died for some reason I bet will be addressed at some point in the future. We also glimpsed Mira and the Sixers again, at the conclusion of the otherwise minor (well at least it was minor this week) "Josh tries to get his girlfriend to Terra Nova" story. Seems she has the local bartender as an ally and plans for the son of the new sheriff. Intrigue. One last note. The dinosaurs looked pretty good this week, as we never got any prolonged look at them. Grade: Awesome! (Good) Quicky Dinosaur Scene Count: 4.

How I Met Your Mother: Field Trip

Tonight's episode was a little weaker than last week's episode, which was a little weak, but there was still plenty of laughs to be had and plenty of intrigue for future storylines. Of course Barney would take Norah's dislike of ewoks as a sign that she is 37 and lied about her age. His big slideshow about Ewoks was the highlight of Ted's story about trying to inspire his class on a field trip. Well that and the "Edward vs. Jacob" argument that turned out to be Ted and Barney debating the first name of Edward James Olmos. Robin dating her therapist was OK, but not that exciting. It was good to see more of Marshall's new job and the revelation that Marshall and his boss go on to save the world has me excited for how this will happen eventually. So good episode. Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Other Items of Note

-No Glee or New Girl until November 1st. Just a heads up.
-Fringe coverage will return this Friday, just as it looks like Peter is about to return.
-Starting this next week, I will be talking about Pan Am for at least, until The Simpsons returns.
-Breaking Bad Season 4 Review coming soon. And not to spoil anything, but expect a very high grade for a very great season.

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