Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Simpsons: Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts

It's a bit surprising that in over 22 seasons, The Simpsons had yet to do an episode about Superintendent Chalmers (except for his segment with Skinner in season 7 classic 22 Short Films About Springfield). Of all the residents of Springfield, surely Gary Chalmers must have more to him than constantly getting angry at Skinner (though that dynamic is one of the funnier ones on the show). So it was nice for him to get some of the spotlight in tonight's Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts, which once again used a couple classic storylines (Bart gets taught by someone who actually teaches him something and Bart takes over the school to get something he wants), to good effect, with plenty of good gags to keep things fresh.

After Bart's latest prank at the school auction (with the theme "Drowning in Debt") pretending to be a British millionaire who bids thousands of dollars on all the items (except for lunch with Principal Skinner. No one wants that), Chalmers is laying into Skinner, when Skinner challenges him to try and teach Bart Simpsons. Chalmers accepts the challenge, and gets Bart interested in Teddy Roosevelt (though Bart's fantasy of Roosevelt getting shot, but still finishing his speech involves Roosevelt as a superhuman tyrant.). He then takes Bart on a horse ride in a national park, as part of a more hands-on learning experience. Soon, Milhouse, Nelson, Jimbo, Kearney, and Dolph are all interested and join Bart and Chalmers with their more "Manly" learning (Chalmers thinks education is failing boys because it's more geared at girls and is about feelings and other non-manly things.). But when Nelson falls off a cliff, while they're on an unauthorized camping trip looking for a pair of T.R's spectacles, his mother sues and Chalmers gets fired by Comptroller Atkins (who I haven't seen since his initial appearance way back in season 10's Lisa gets an 'A'. Though I could be mistaken.) This leads Bart and company to take over the school in order to get Chalmers his job back. In the end they're successful and Chalmers even gets a promotion (superduperintendent).

Again, this isn't the first time Bart's been excited by learning and this isn't the first time he's taken over the school. But the episode works, because of its focus on Chalmers and who he is, besides the guy always shouting "SKINNER!" Plus there's lots of great gags throughout from Homer's reaction to getting asked to pay for Bart's prank, even though he has no legal obligation to do so, to Chalmers telling Otto to "just drive" and Otto driving right into a tree. So The Simpsons delivers another solid episode in their 23rd season. Hopefully they can continue the streak.

Grade: Awesome! (Good)

Memorable Moments

-There was a crazy stylistic couch gag by Ren and Stimpy creator Jon Kricfaulsi that was awesome.
-At the auction, you can buy shirts from Springfield Elementary and shirts from better schools.
-Skinner: "Why do I believe everything I hear in a British accent?"
-"You've filled my head with horse poop and atheism!"-What Chalmers has taught Bart.
-Jimbo: "School failed me? Does school have to go to summer Jimbo?"
-An Anti-drug pamphlet at the school: Saying Yes To Saying No To Saying Yes To Drugs.
-Teddy Roosevelt is credited as a guest voice.

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