Thursday 8 September 2011

What I Be Watching, Yo!

Alright faithful readers (assuming anyone has actually read this yet)! Here's how this is all going down. This entry will be in two sections after this introduction. The first section will list all three shows I'm going to give an opinion on on a regular basis. The second section will list the shows I'm going to talk about on an occasional basis. The third section will list shows I'll talk about at least once, but I haven't made up my mind if I'll talk about them regularly (Basically, most of the new shows coming this fall. Because I don't know what I'll like yet. But at least a couple of those shows will make all-season list.). Got that? Good. Here we go:

Shows I Be Talkin' 'Bout All Season

How I Met Your Mother (starts Monday, Sept. 19th)
Terra Nova (starts Monday, Sept. 26th. Probably the only new show this fall I'll commit to right off the bat. Like I'm not going to watch a show with Dinosaurs in it every week.).
Glee (Starts Tuesday Sept. 20th.)
Modern Family (Starts Wednesday, September 21st.)
Community (Starts Thursday, September 22nd.)
Parks and Recreation (Starts September 22nd.)
The Office (Starts September 22nd.)
Fringe (Starts Friday, September 23rd.)
Chuck (Starts Friday, October 21st)
The Simpsons (Starts Sunday, September 25th)

Shows I Be Checkin' in With From Time to Time

This is actually a short list. Will probably get longer after the start of the season.

Survivor: South Pacific (Starts Wednesday, September 14th)
Happy Endings (Starts Wednesday, September 28th)

Shows I Be Unsure About Whether They Have A Long-Term Future On This Blog

Ringer (Starts Tuesday, September 13th. I'll probably talk about this all the time, but for now I'll put it on this list.)
Up All Night (Starts Wednesday, September 14th)
New Girl (Starts Tuesday, September 20th. The same thing I said about Ringer goes for this one.)
Suburgatory (Starts Wednesday, September 28th.)
Person of Interest (Starts Thursday September 22nd.)
Grimm (Starts Friday, October 23rd.)
Pan Am (Starts Sunday, September 25th.)

So there you go. That's what I'll be watching this fall. I should however note that I plan to post an opinion on tonight's season finale of Futurama, which I've been watching faithfully all summer. That may be up tonight, but more likely it'll be up tomorrow. After that, there should be at least one more post before I get this started, where I reveal my totally awesome, rating system. So until then, rock on!


  1. Big fan of your "Shows I Be Talkin' 'Bout All Season" list, kenny! Cant wait until i hear some reviews. I was wondering though did you forget to put down 30 Rock?

  2. I did not forget. 30 Rock isn't coming back on the air until midseason because Tina Fey was pregnant, and I chose to only list the shows that'd be on this fall. I will talk about 30 Rock when it returns though. Don't you worry Nick.
